For The Love Of God, Read The Book First!
"Ask The Dust" was one of my favorite books. Ever. It's compelling, it's relatable, and it's a real page-turner. Finished it in like a day. Fante has the most beautiful and moving grasp of the English language that a reader could want.
So what went wrong? Why did this movie suck so horribly?
Granted, it was one of Colin Farrell's better performances, but think it through; that's like picking the best film to feature an American Idol winner. And Selma gave probably the best performance of the film, which was forgettable at best. The cinematography was pretty stale and the most important and moving portions of the book were left out of the script.
As a huge Fante fan, I was really disappointed by the film, and was really glad I'd read the book first, as the other way around would've kept me from an awesome work of fiction. Read the book first. For God's sake. Read. The. Book. First. (And, come to think of it, read the book and skip the crappy film adaptation).
Any other Fante fans real disappointed with this trash?