Colin Farrell was bad!

He was bad bad bad. He didn't seem to have any idea what the scene's were about or what was supposed to be happening. He pulled faces and waggeled his prolific eyebrows. He sounded out every line syllable by syllable as if he spoke only Tagalog or Norse or Latin and was learning English on the set.

Terrible work, Colin, just awful. Please go away.


A drunken Irishman. That is the role for him. I can't ever seem to believe any of his characters. This one however, was worse than I could possibly imagine.


as usual... you can't expect much more from him

"Hell's waking up every goddamn day and not even knowing why you're here." - Marv



Amazing. This guy is not American. He doesn't speak with any kind of accent, and plays American roles. In 'Miami Vice,' he played an American. In 'Pride and Glory,' he played an American.

He always plays roles where he is an American; otherwise, you see him playing an Irishman and think, OMG, why's he suddenly got that 'foreign' accent? Where'd THAT come from?

He's a great actor. He's just too damned HOT, though, isn't he? Like, all testosterone and good looks and talent. Go ahead and be critics of his performances. He'll outlast most of his contemporaries in the acting world, clean up with awards and Oscars, and do it with grace and style. The guy is awesome.


I think he's a great actor - and a face that could hang the moon. I thought he was quite good in this - and it was still early on in his career.


I agree with you entirely.
He was very good in it, believeable and played the part with feeling.
I was very moved by the film.



OP, you must know nothing about acting at all, are you kidding me, he was excellent in this. He's a great actor, one of this generation's best. If he annoys you as a person and you dislike looking at him, I'd understand, but saying he pulled faces and wiggled eyebrows is ridiculous.


Disagree. I read those small facial movements as insight into the characters feelings and thought he was quite good ...restrained.

I rather like him in this role. Plus it doesn't hurt to look upon that face.


He was outstanding in this!
