MovieChat Forums > The Pink Panther (2006) Discussion > Did anyone send an email to.......

Did anyone send an email to.......

Closeau's email ([email protected])?

I was thinking about it, but wanted to know if anyone tried it.

reply answer?



are you sure it's [email protected]? or could it possibly be [email protected]? or maybe [email protected]? or [email protected]?

spelling is so subjective on the internet these days, you know...



The subtitles said that it was......
Then again there's that thing with Runt from Chicken Little saying the F-word that wasn't written in the subtitles.
So I dunno.



yeah, i've noticed that subtitles are often off, and sometimes it really drives me nuts when they'll leave out whole sentences or reword things just to make it a word or two shorter... there should be a law against such crimes!


I think I just got myself a good deal!
