Why Didn't Ben Stop The Shooting?
When Ben is on the car, he sees his number 2 shoot Dan, and just yells "No!" while his guy proceeds to make sure Dan will die with like 3 more shots. Why didn't he yell "Stop!" after the first bullet was fired?
To anyone who says he had to make sure Dan looked like the hero to his kid, he still killed his whole crew afterwards, and got back onto the car under his own will, without Dan.
Why didn't he yell "No! Stop shooting!" or "Wait, I want to kill him!" Then get out and murder his crew?
He yelled "No!" when means he didn't want to see Dan get shot/killed, but he stood idly by while his man did Dan in. How does that make sense? They didn't even make it so the kid put Ben back on the car and re-finished the job, he turned his back to him and put his gun away..