Ending was a liberal fantasy to a PC revisionist west.
Incompetent lawmen, boneheaded actions, people trying to make the bad guy feel for what he's done... This entire movie is a product of somebody whose lived in a nice neighborhood all of their lives.
The ending seems to me like the ultimate liberal fantasy... Even if you are an incompetent coward who abandons his post, goes around trying to make bad guys who kill people have feelings (And probably wishes the woman was doing this instead of you), if you fail and the bad guy gets your gun, he'll suddenly feel like helping you AND shooting his own men!
Because oh yes! I am a bad guy who, with my friends, goes around killing people and stealing money! But because I heard such a enlightening tale of woe, about an incompetent dad who abandons his posts and his kids hate him, my life is changed! Even though I've killed other people with my friends, I'll go and kill them, because incompetent idiot dad is my bestest friend!
Who cares how long I've been friends with these guys, who cares about all the times we've had? Peace man, hug a tree, who cares about logic, I'm overburdened with thoughts of an incompetent dad!
Um no, I'm afraid not. The bad guy would've laughed and shot the guy. Thank god the actual wild west didn't have lawmen who followed this tripe.