MovieChat Forums > White Chicks (2004) Discussion > Do white women get offended at this movi...

Do white women get offended at this movie?

This Flick is no different than a movie that depicts all black people as being ghetto.

There's all types of white women in the world, they can't all talk and act like that, it's a bit of an insult.


There was also a stereotypical horny black guy chasing after white girls. Did you find that offensive???

"CG is good. CG works" Gordon Ghekko


A stereotypical horny black guy? Since when is that a stereotype? That could be a stereotype for all guys, but not specifically black men.


No. I don't get offended by every little thing


Good job on being a normal human being! (I mean that, by the way, not being sarcastic).


My wife and her friends went to see it. Said it was hysterical. No one mentioned being offended.


Not surprised they would be hysterical after watching this piece of garbage.


I think it had more to do with them all being on their periods rather than quality of the film


no white people dont get offended by insults at them because they are not little babies and can take a joke. this movie was funny shit


Emphasize "shit".


No we don't because we aren't insecure like other races.


exactly jokes only hurt when they hit the spot. there is nothing u can say to me that will hurt my feelings


Because white people don't get discriminated. You are the powerful majority.


but we are discriminated against. the only race more discriminated against is Asians. an afromurican can get into medical school and practice medicine with a C grade point average, while an Asian will be rejected with perfect grades twice as often as even a white person. these days there is no such thing as powerful majority only powerful minorities. nobody is gonna give u shit if ur white. u realize this early and take ur own life into ur own hands. white people are successful cause they are smart and work hard despite being discriminated against for the color of their skin. if u took a black mans brain and put into a white persons body they would be living in the trailerpark but if u took a white persons brain and put it into a afromurican they would be head surgeon at the hospital or president of USA with all those extra privileges people of color are entitled to in our current system




Turn off Tucker Carlson.


If you think a paragraph is too long you are very ignorant and childish..

"Turn off Tucker Carlson", truth hurts? turn off the cnn..


I think you could laugh it off as no big deal in the past but in 2021 I'd say it's a very racist movie.


White women don't watch films like this. They see the commercials and avoid it like the plague, hoping to forget it ever existed.


There are still commercials for this on tv?


No, I was talking about commercials that aired when this was in theaters and later came out on dvd.
