I liked the film, but the only thing that bugs me is that Kimberly did all of this just to get back at Britney for "stealing" her boyfriend? It seems a bit too much, don't you think? She even made Randa kill herself because of all of this, just to ruin Britney's life. Maybe Kimberly *is* a psycho.
I liked the film, but the only thing that bugs me is that Kimberly did all of this just to get back at Britney for "stealing" her boyfriend? It seems a bit too much, don't you think? She even made Randa kill herself because of all of this, just to ruin Britney's life. Maybe Kimberly *is* a psycho.
Kimberly's main problem was her keen intelligence. She lived in a world swirling with hypocrisy, and she was sharp enough to see through the pretenses. Her monolog at the beginning with Randa pretty well spells it out - from the government's justification for the war that killed her brother and her father's rejection of the cause of her brother's death to the lawyer who became rich by defending cold-blooded murderers. She listed a whole litany of such social contradictions in that first monolog - including her best friend's feeling no qualms about going with the guy who ditched her (in another great demonstration of hypocrisy which we learned later). Kimberly's verbal barbs bounced off the dense girl. She also could see the teacher's snobbish attitude about Randa from the beginning (he had no interest in helping her with her language skills). Even Kimberly's audition was telling. She auditioned well, but wasn't accepted because she was a no-name. Kimberly had no intention of hurting Randa ("She shouldn't have done that"); and, in fact, was more contrite than Randa's father, who accepted no responsibility for his daughter's suicide, even though it was his disowning her that probably led directly to her death. Randa said it best: "We are all sinners."
No, I don't believe Kimberly was psycho. At worst, naive, that she didn't realize her plots, which involved so many people, might bring unplanned consequences.
I agree that although she said that all of it had to do with Troy at the end, it wasn't all about Troy. I believe that she did like Britney and Ronda..even though she was pretty sick.
I think she may have been thinking of a way to get backk at Britney about Troy, but I really don't think she sat there and planned it out. I think it got out of control, and because she was crazed she didn't care all that much.
I believe that Ronda's suicide really did affect her, and I believe that at the end she was really unhappy. One for being so upset to try to take revenge on Britney for Troy and two because she tried to blame it all on Britney and Troy, and three because she was sad because of all that happened with the incident and with her whole life.
Her plan was to become an actress. Sociopathic, but her goal was achieved. Ultimately this is what she wanted, revenge on Brittany was a tasty side effect. She did feel bad about Randa, for about 30 seconds. She planned every bit of it, crossed every t and dotted every i. Watch it again and then think about what it was that she did. She destroyed a man's life with a lie in order to get some publicity. And them had a lesbian affair, that she videoed to gain leverage with the newswoman Emily, who would be her champion in the media. In order to get the acting job she had to be a "face". She was nothing more than a spoiled rich girl who just had to have her way. And damn them casting directors for not signing her the first time around. She'll show them!
Sure- she wanted to be an actress but...I think what she did had a bit to do with her stuffed up parents and how her brother had died and all. I think that made her a little bit funny in the head, it affected her. I think that had something to do with how she ended up attacking everyone else. Like revenge. She just had to wait for the right moment.
She didn't exactly destroy his life - the charges are entirely dropped, Emily is the only person defending her (which sort of implies that everyone else is sticking up for him), he probably got to work again (which is more than he deserves, imho - I thought she had it right when she said he doused himself in gasoline as far as his inappropriate behaviour went.) The only consequence he had to face was his wife leaving, which was implied to be because he had her wearing a girl's school uniform and reading Kimberly's detention paper; which was all his own choice.