vomit scene

i am emetophobic (Fear of vomit...i know its weird!) and i REALLY want to see this film. can someone reply and please tell me where the vomit scene, or scenes, is/are? thanx!


it was after they ate twinkies and after they watched porn but its not a really bad vomit scene you dont see her vomiting you just see it in the toilet and its not like realy its milk with cheerios bascially...p.s. i used to be that way with the vomit...


so its like right after u c them watching porn? o and do u hear it or anything?


yup they watch porn and then its only the Arab girl who does it and you dont hear it, honestly its the worst vomit scene ever. the scene is shot from above so it just shows her standing up and her head blocking the toliet and then you hear like someone peeing which is really her barfing she makes no sounds of vomiting what so ever and then she moves her head and its milk and cheerios.... hope i helped i know it is with the vomit bleh..when i was younger this kid that went to my school had something wrong with him and always barfed at lunch and i was like deathly afraid of it ugh and his table was right next to mine and some kid barfed that sat next to me in class i refused to go to school after that but of course my mom called and had my seat changed thank god i was really bad with that.


lol thanx very much...u've been IMMENSELY helpful! :-)


I'm a emetophobic too...


www.emetophobia.org - fabulous emet site

www.screenit.com - fabulous site which lists blood and gore in films, including vomit scenes.

(I have emetophobia too)


You have to join screenit to be able to use it right? (You have to pay.)
Are there any other sites like that, but you don't have to pay?



That is a more direct link, and you can join if you want as there are some advantages, but you can see the film reviews for free. And they include all the blood and gore warnings etc. I never joined but I still find it really useful.


i am emetophobic too and i saw the scene and actually was like wait waht is that and it wasnt until after kimberly said got it all out or something that i realized it was vomit, so i think youll be okay
