I think the point that you are so clearly missing, is that this happened in a high school, and this girl was 15
I didn't miss that point, in fact that was one of my points. I think the point that everyone else is trying to make is that 15yr olds are too stupid to know what they are doing and that adults should be blamed for the stupid things that they do. 15yr olds are NOT too stupid to know what they are doing and Mr. Anderson shouldn't be blamed for what Brittany did. What he "wanted" to happen is irrelevant, how much he may have enjoyed what he saw is not the point. SHE was the one who decided to do what she did, he never explicitly told her to strip.
Addressed earlier in the film is the fact that Brittany was just beginning to discover her sexuality and was really kind of ashamed of it.
Not true. What was said was that she liked to masterbate a lot and felt dirty while doing it. Nothing was said that implied she had just started doing it.
When you are 15, even if you are physically ready for sex, 99 percent of the time, you are not emotionally ready for the consequences.
Irrelevant. She wasn't having sex with Mr. Anderson. But she was having sex with her boyfriend Troy (he was insatiable, according to her) and she seemed to be handling it just fine. Not to mention that Kimberly was also the same age as Brittney and she was also having sex with her boyfriend. Not to mention with Josh too, and the (adult) lesbian reporter. But like I said, all that's irrelevant.
Not to mention the social stigma that would have come from her stripping down in drama rehearsal, which was clearly full of other students.
Clear to everyone but her? How stupid does that make her seem?
Unless you have not yet reached high school age, PimpSmackers
Very funny, high school is just a distant memory to me.
Mr Anderson made that class an unsafe environment when he didn't stand up and take control of that situation properly.
Again, what did he do that was so wrong? He was trying to get her to feel comfortable on stage. She couldn't think of doing anything else besides masterbating in front of everybody. And because he didn't stop her immediately we should blame him? He wasn't the only one watching, Kimberly was there too and she didn't do anything. Oh, but it was his fault because he enjoyed it? How do you even know he was the only person who liked what he saw? The camera didn't zoom into anybody else's face.
Mr. Anderson did take advantage of what happened, the shot of his face close up insinuated that he was interested in seeing her disrobe, which makes him the predator.
That's rediculous. You obviously don't know what a predator is. Maybe that would make him a pervert, but that's obviously something completely different.
He bought his wife a school girl skirt for god's sake. He wasn't an innocent.
So what? Are there laws against men buying skirts for their wives? Or is it illegal only when it's a specific type of skirt? That in itself doesn't make him guilty of anything.
Perhaps he did not deserve the trial and all that came of it, but he had plenty to be guilty about.
Being attracted to teenage girls is not illegal, immoral or anything to be ashamed of. He never touched any of them and what happened on the stage with Brittnay was blown way out of proportion. My only argument has always been that what Kimberly did was much worse than what Mr. Anderson did and he didn't deserve what happened to him. Kimberly however, because she was young, smart and pretty, got away with everything.
clear emotions guide / to the gates of open mind / leave the shame behind / peace is by your side