
Is the last thing you see Kimberly watching herself dance as the French girl on tv? I watched this online and the movie just switched off after that...

Or we have some shepard's pie peppered with actual shepard on top.


Yea, she sees the thing on TV with her dancing as the French girl and then she flips through other channels, one to a news report on Randa's family and the whole thing that happened, then one of the guy who did the shooting at a school in Bel Air that they mentioned earlier in the movie, then you hear a part from South Park where someone says "Omg! You killed Kenny, you bastard!" and then she just keeps flipping back to all those things, then the last one is her dancing as the French girl again and then it zooms into her face and you see that her eyes are watering and she's about to cry, then right before the tears fall the ending credits come on

Hope that helps

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ - Spiffy Angel
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