MovieChat Forums > Coffee and Cigarettes (2004) Discussion > Did anyone find it Ironic that....

Did anyone find it Ironic that....

in the Stephen Coogan/Alfred Molina scene, that Molina is acting as though Coogan is the bigger star when in fact due to his role in Spiderman 2 Molina is in fact the bigger name? or was that the point of the scene?

"You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun."- Al Capone



It's a joke.......Molina is alot bigger of an actor and they both know that (in real life), but it's a joke to make Molina love Coogan so much and make him out to be the bigger star, Even though he's not. Molina stars in alot more roles then just "spider man 2" that made him big. The director did pretty much the same thing in the skit "somewhere in california" with iggy pop and tom waits.


I think that while Alfred Molina was still a bigger star in the US pre-Spiderman 2, don't forget that Steve Coogan is huge in the UK, and critically acclaimed too. Remember the way that Alfred Molina was saying that he got all of Coogan's comedy on tape? That's not stretching credibility, as Coogan's sitcoms in the UK were massively successful, playing a major influence on British comedy in general. That's why I loved it when they were talking about Alfred Molina's sitcom (by which I presume they meant Bram and Alice), and Coogan patronisingly says "comedy's tricky".

The fact that you have the right to do a thing does not make it the right thing to do



Personally there was irony. AM has been the sophistocated star, and SC is into the cheap thrills etc. So it was irony.

Is it true though that they are real distant counsins?

Carri004 in Sydney

