Great film, except...
In the segment "Twins", I couldn't stand those two black morons. They sounded like just another bunch of misinformed, racist A-holes who hated people like Elvis (and Buscemi's character, for that matter) because they were caucasian. They went on that typical rant about how Elvis stole black music. Hahaha, get a clue. Elvis was INSPIRED by the blues and covered many black artist's tunes (he also covered many white-written songs as well). Elvis didn't steal anything. He brought the blues sound to the masses (yes, predominantly white), so he helped break the color barrier within the music world.
NOW, if those black morons in the film want to talk about STEALING MUSIC, they should look at how many black artists have actually SAMPLED white artist's songs in the past several decades. Sampling?! Now THAT'S stealing!!! Elvis rocks and those bonehead characters (and there are plenty of blacks really like that) should learn the facts and stop hating Elvis and the like because of their skin...but I guess it's ok to steal if your black, huh? Interesting, racist double standards.