Pleasently surprised
I've seen this film a few times and love it. In fact, I think I'll watch it again tonight.
I came out here for a different reason (to find the correct spelling of an actor in he film) and thought "Oh boy, if there's ever a film that's going to collect the most hate from people expecting something more straightly mainstream, this is it".
But I was wrong—most of the subject lines indicate positive feedback! As a user who's been online for decades, I generally consider IMDb to be the modern version of usenet, where there's was pretty much a near zero amount of moderation. But I only see 2-3 subject lines on the first page that I can stay away from.
So good on you!
Obligatory on-topic critique: if I were to complain about anything in this film, I would have to say that Roberto Benigni kind of over-did the whole coffee shaking.
My favorite scene (and it's hard to pick one): Tom Waits and Iggy Pop. "Oh, so we suck, is that it?"
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