could this same movie have been made without the Dukes name on it?
this movie is Not as bad as everyone says this movie is.
************************************************The first thing I notice when I read all of the negative comments about this movie, the writer always points out that he or she was a HUGE fan of the show way back when.........One of the things You have to remember is that absence makes the heart grow fonder.......and with the Dukes of Hazzard TV Show being off of the air since the mid '80's ...these people have watched reruns over and over and these probably undoubtedly remember the TV show as being far better than it actually was(or atleast in thier minds anyway).
I liked the Dukes of Hazzard movie. I liked the sex jokes (I was slightly disapointed that there was no serious nudity shown in the film). I thought the drug humor was indeed funny (not enough of it)
BUT! ! ! ! having said that......... I also believe they could have made this same movie and not have used the "Dukes of Hazzard" name,likeness or charactors .... Because I also understand that "Dukes of Hazzard" has alot of appeal to children(mainly boys between ages 10 and 14) , and to use the Dukes of Hazzard as a show case for "Sex, Drugs, & Rock'N Roll" really isn;t the message we should be giving our youths. Showing the Duke boys smoking weed and getting laid probably wasn't the right thing to do.........introducing children to the joys of sex and the feel good pleasures of marijuana at ages 10,11, & 12 isn't the correct sort influence.
.....although I really did like this movie and thought it was very funny, I still think that they should've made this movie with it's own identiy. Because this same movie could've been made without the Dukes of Hazzard name on it, and it would have been just as good.