The roof

Why did some people in the film find the roof offensive and others didnt?



Because this movie is stupid.


Some people see it as a segregationist symbol (I doubt it really is).


All the Confederate Flag is, is a flag for a defunct government. Crybabies blow it out of proportion and make it out to be a symbol of hatred. People proud of their southern heritage use the flag as a show of pride. The Ku Klux Klan, and other racist/facist/militia etc groups use it as a symbol of their organization as well. If the Ku Klux Klan made Pepsi their trademark beverage, would that make people who also drink Pepsi racist? No, so stop whining about the Dukes having the flag on their car.


Im not whining about it, i just didnt no wat it ment


I'm not referring to you, I'm refering to the people that whine about the flag and how it shouldn't be on the car. You're ok in my book.


yay :)


Thunderbird, it's not exactly whining. I'll try to explain it like this. Take your Pepsi analogy. If the company Pepsi did things like allow discrimination and treat black people poorly and the KKK decided to use Pepsi as their symbol, then yes people would have a problem with it. To some people, waving a confederate flag is like saying you support everything the confederacy stood for, including slavery. Sure slavery is over, but racism is not. Displaying that flag sets people off because it makes people think you are racist, or at the very least, insensitive to others.

"I'm at this place on Pico Boulevard called Tech-Noir."



Well said Jayare721


what it is is this country has become too PC and easy to offend for anyones good and these people see something that has many meaning to many people and put what they think it means to those other people on it and make a fuss when to most the flag has more to do with pride in theire southern haritage or the defiance of athority than anything to do with slavery

the arguments used to say the confederate flag is racist can just as soon be put on the american flag but the north won the war so it is not

slavery was under that flag alot longer but it is not tied to it like it is the confederate



I was going to say the Yankees had slaves as well. I assumed the south was more racist(sorry) , but reading up on the cause of the late great unpleasantness, it was more to do with States rights. My understanding of that is that the confederates held that it was A United States, where each state had the right to secede and limited central government, whereas the Federals held it was THE United States and each state would have to accept an overreaching central government. Is that about the size of it or how wrong am I?!

I plan to live forever, or die trying


Because it's exactly what would have happened in real life.
