
This was such a letdown, especially after how great the first American version of "The Ring" was (not as good as its original Japanese counterpart, "Ringu", but still nicely done). The CGI deer were especially ridiculous and it just wasn't scary at all (the only ones who screamed in the movie theater were the typical annoying ADD/ADHD teenyboppers who find anything with the horror label to be "scary"). The only enjoyment I got out of seeing this in the cinema was this African American gentleman in the audience who gave his utterly hilarious commentary throughout the course of the film. I especially lost it at the scene where the mother and son were eating some nasty looking bread and the guy then said out loud: "Man, that's some DIRTY BREAD!" Had he not have been there to make me laugh, I honestly would have walked out right after the first 15-20 minutes. I only hope that "Rings" will be a huge improvement.
