What about Shylock?

I personally think they should make a movie out of "Operation: Shylock", because I think that would be such a good book to see on the silver screen. I also have decided that I think Woody Allen would be perfect as Philip Roth and Diane Wiest a perfect Claire Roth. Don't you agree?


I was thinking of reading this novel. What can you tell me about it and how it compares to his others?

The only second chance you get is to make the same mistake twice. - David Mamet


you could just read it and find out for yourself


The sheer number of novels that I'm interested in reading makes that a practical impossibility, hence my reason for asking the question.

The only second chance you get is to make the same mistake twice. - David Mamet


The subject made me think that you were talking about Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. I liked the recent film, but I thought Al Pacino overacted as Sherlock. David Strathairn, who is in American Pastoral, might be an amazing Shylock.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)
