MovieChat Forums > The Rum Diary (2011) Discussion > What's your favorite line?

What's your favorite line?

Mine is - "Life is full of exits"...


"Your tongue is like an accusatory giblet!"

"Just act normal (really, that entire scene.)"

"Guys, I know Kung Fu... again."


Mine is the voice over when Paul is looking in the lobster tank.

"Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a god, and the only living thing that behaves like it hasn't got one. Does the world belong to no one but you?" Actually I liked all the LSD scenes. I know this isn't in the book but I was surprised at how well it fit in the film.

It is not so much the destination as the journey!!!


That was a great line. Pretty much anything Lotterman said was funny.

------Jesus loves you, but only as a friend.------


470 proof???


"They raped him to death??!!"



There were quite a few but one that I'm still laughing at now is

"You couldn't find work as a fly repellant!"

That whole dialogue between Jenkins and Ribisi when the latter stumbles into the office for the first time is funny as f* * *!!

Trade- phenodihydrochloride benzelex
Street- the embalmer


Mine is from Donovan:

'A liberal is a commie with a college education thinking negro thoughts'


"Oh, God. Why did she have to happen? Just when I was doing so good without her."

"I just want some apple blossom lipstick and *beep*

Also, Moberg's whole rant on Lotterman at Sala's apartment.

I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe.


A wonderful film with some of the best and funnies lines I have ever heard.

It is not so much the destination as the journey!!!


can't believe nobody has mentioned this, but
"how much do you drink?"
"I suppose the upper end of social"


Not so much a line... but I loved it when they were in court and on the stand, and the guy starts vomiting and Kemp simply states: "He's not with us."

Also, one of my favorite lines from the book, which was a narrative about Puerto Rican's and abandoned cars, was kind of botched in the film. Sala briefly hinted about it in the film, but the narrative in the book was far better.

It went something like: "I had forgotten about Puerto Rican's fascination with abandoned cars in these parts. They set upon them like jungle flies, and can strip them bare in 10 minutes."

I'm pretty sure I botched it, but I am trying to recite it from memory.

They who give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither. Benjamin Franklin


Another favorite line...

Kemp is trying to work on his article and Sala and Moberg are arguing, and Kemp says: "I have a deadline to finish... and it requires some shut mouth!"

They who give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither. Benjamin Franklin


Didn't love the movie but it did have many great lines.
"I tend to avoid alcohol...when I can"- I had high hopes for The Rum Diary at this point


"Curse active"

I died when Morberg said that
