MovieChat Forums > Crash (2005) Discussion > Why is police, in America or otherwise, ...

Why is police, in America or otherwise, racist?

Aren't they, at least GENERALLY, supposed to be the GOOD guys who PUNISH bad people at least for their ACTIONS mostly? Are they not supposed to rise above cheap primitive stereotypes? Don't they get taught, at least in modern times, that racism is wrong?

And yet we often hear about racial discrimination and racial shootings and racial profiling and it happens very often apparently in American police and we wonder why.

Is it something that happens to be deeply mentally ingrained in some folks? Oh, and cops in general aren't so much good guys but SYSTEM OPERATIVES which sort of explains it but doesn't excuse it? And is there something about it that explains why it isn't just a few rotten apples among the decent majority but rather [fill in the blanks please].


We have plenty of folks who aren't sophisticated geniuses with ultra high IQs, university degrees, ultra high wages and who are also decent law abiding citizens but who may not be perfect either, though some divine angels DO exist among humanity however rarely, who ACTIVELY despise and speak AGAINST racism, who frequently state "its bad!" and "its wrong!", who shame those who engage in it, who remind us the world isn't perfect but not only preferable but MUST be more civilized, human obligation wise. And some or a lot of them even shame those people with swear words etc etc etc, and oh well...

And yet, not only doesn't it completely eradicate it, and I WON'T NECESSARILY say it makes it worse even on very rare occasions (but maybe others just don't care, that's the problem), but it doesn't reduce it by too much either, even among the police - a service that is SUPPOSED to be civilized.


The LAPD have for years been deemed the most corrupt police force in America.


It is a job, and like any other jobs people work for their self interests. For those who say they love their jobs, stop paying them and see if they still show up.

The employees of corporations rip off their employers, the public servants rip off the government and use their positions and privileges usually to rip off corporations or help corporations to rip off people.

Of course most of them don't do so very publicly, there is why there are such things like official secret acts.

Our elected representatives are supposed to check on them (checks and balances), but that works only in theory, why would they even care? They are elected mostly on their media images, not job performance. Also most of our elected representatives somehow all became rich one way or another, even Bernie Sanders became a multi-millionaire. So they are working for their self interests too, not on something with no benefit to themselves and only make more enemies of public servants working for them.


You work every night dealing with the people they deal with, and see if you think racism is wrong. What they see from black people on a daily basis is enough to make the most liberal, open-minded, bleeding heart, tree hugger, turn into a militant Nazi. But it's not even that simple.

None of what you hear from the fake media is even racist. Saying a criminal resisting arrest and being killed by a cop is racist because the criminal is black and the policeman is white, IS ABSURD! Race had nothing to do with the motivations of the cop. The criminal caused the need for a police response, and the police response was ignored, leading to force. No violent criminal that resists should NOT have deadly force used on them. As soon as they resist, they are violent. There is no judgement call here. You don't allow a situation like with Brian Nichols to happen.

You are believing and listening to LIARS and dishonest people. Everyone who spoke on behalf of Michael Brown was lying, everyone who spoke on behalf of Trayvon Martin was lying, everyone who spoke on behalf of George Floyd was lying, and all of that was proven in court. They lied because they hate cops, because they hate that they aren't allowed to get away with crime. It's all ridiculous and none of it points to racism, except the fact that black people are displaying terrible behaviors and traits on a daily basis with zero agency, self-awareness, or respect for others or authority. They do not abide by any of the laws the entire society has agreed to through numerous debates, polls, voting, and legislation by representatives of the people, showing the utter lack of having the capabilities of living in a modern society.

So again, if you think racism is wrong, GO LIVE IN AN INNERCITY project house, and see how it got that way. And if you can't understand that. Just look at Compton California. That was a nice area with decent houses and property and when blacks moved in, they turned it into a crime ridden warzone over drugs.
