Why couldn't that Persian man just follow the advice and get a new door?
Instead of later just ignoring it and then when an act of vandalism happens in the store, assume it was a locksmiths man who behind it and be mad enough to later try and kill him?
Was he short of money? Or just too full of himself? Did he believe that the locksmith legitimately had it in his duty to fix the lock AND door?
And also, even if he was not at fault, could he maybe perhaps give that angry man an idea such as "Go online and look up door installations, I think "this is best site" etc".
ALSO. I get it that he was mad and angry at him. But even if he legitimately suspected him of vandalism, why go over to KILL HIM over it as opposed to, perhaps, sending police after him in order to suspect him etc? Even if he WAS guilty, surely an act of vandalism is no reason to kill someone over it? Even some or all people in life have vandalized or damaged things at times, they were at best told off and shouted at. But almost killed? And only not succeeded due to SPOILERS, a weapon being or happening to be loaded with blanks? God.