General Thoughts

I am neither a hater or lover of this show and I have to say it was average at best.

My main problem with it however was the complete lack of reference to Friends.

I mean are we meant to buy that Joey Tribbiani had spent 12 years living in the pockets of 5 other people in New York and then suddenly...nothing. No contact, no visits, no telephone calls...just nothing.

I mean if any of his co-stars from Friends did'nt want to (or have time) to be on the show, how difficult would it have been for Joey to "pretend" to be on the phone to one of them for example? Monica and Chandler had just had twins, Rachel and Ross had a baby, did he not care about their wellbeing at all? Did he decide that a call from LA to New York would cost too much?

Its just not probable.

Also the casting of people who had been in Friends in completely different roles such as Chandlers roomate and Monica's british friend, I find very annoying too.



Personally I have no problems with either of these issues. They don't really need to show Joey getting in contact with his old friends unless it has some relevance to the story that episode. I imagine he does still think of them and talk to them but they don't really need to show it as they're moving on from Friends. As for the same actors, it happens on all sorts of shows and I don't think it really matters a great deal.


I think the show would be better if they did that. I guess the reason why we don't see any of Joeys friends is because someone didn't want it to become friends.

"~~ it was him >"


well im agree with Mr. Christophee. two episodes of Joey has been directed by David Schwimmer. actually there was no need of FRIENDS characters to be appear.


I was never a fan of the idea of making a whole show out of the unsophisticated character from friends. I mean, the only reason he was funny was coz he was duuuuumb. And man, he WAS funny! So I watched it anyway. Now even bad sitcoms can usually make you laugh at least once or twice. Or even have some kind of faintly amusing plot device to keep you watching. But man! This show was embarrassing, desperate and depressing. Like watching someone die on stage. Even the obviously canned laughter seemed unenthused. Concept aside, I'd say Matt wasn't totally to blame. The writing was pretty awful


I saw this episode in the UK....It was lovely... Why did they put the stop on the series?


Low ratings, I would imagine.


Yup, it's an awful show, I only watched a few scenes and hated it.

However I don't realise why everyone keeps on moaning and, haha this is my sig!


I hated it from the very first episode never watched another after it

It was cheap has rubbish new characters and Joey was no better he was always my least fave Friend.

Im glad it was a failure as how dare Matt LeBlanc think he could milk another 10 years out of Joey Tribbianni just because he is a lazy actor and was comfy in that role. Ims ure its flopping gave him a reality buzz but seeing as he's not did anything since I now see it was because he only has the talent to play airheaded Joey.

They think we're the demons now - Prue Halliwell ~ All Hell Breaks Loose ~ Charmed


smck_82uk get over yourself


I know that David Schwimmer (Ross) was available, because he directed a few epsiodes of "Joey". It wouldn't have hurt for him to be on-screen for two or three scenes (Maybe they could have Ross in L.A. attending a palaentology seminar).


I know that David Schwimmer (Ross) was available, because he directed a few epsiodes of "Joey". It wouldn't have hurt for him to be on-screen for two or three scenes (Maybe they could have Ross in L.A. attending a palaentology seminar).

They could have easily done that, but they made a conscious decision to completely move away from Friends because they wanted Joey to stand on its own. But if you look at Fraiser, for example, it has countless references to Cheers, and almost every major character from Cheers turned up on Frasier at some point during its run, and Frasier is regarded as one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. There's no reason why they couldn't have references to Friends and old characters turning up and still make the show work on its own.


All those Cheers returns came later though, not right away. I missed the vast majority of this show, including Season 2 in its entirety - but I believe I recall references to Chandler, Ross and Rachel.


I wondered the very same thing. I don't think it would have been hard at all to fit in a mention in passing about say Chandler and Monica, for example. It wouldn't have taken away from the story just something that Joey said to Gina perhaps.

Private Practice is a spin off of Grey's Anatomy and they have no trouble flitting in and out of each show and mentioning characters off the other. I think that makes it better. It'd be a bit odd if Addison just never mentioned Derek again. Same as I think it's odd that Chandler, at least, has never visited. Joey never gets invited to Ross and Rachel's wedding? I think as Joey was a spin off of Friends they should have realised that the people watching Joey are Friends fans who just want a little bit more and maybe would have liked to have known what's up with the other five even if it's just snippets.

Bring on the Friends movie, I say!


