General Thoughts
I am neither a hater or lover of this show and I have to say it was average at best.
My main problem with it however was the complete lack of reference to Friends.
I mean are we meant to buy that Joey Tribbiani had spent 12 years living in the pockets of 5 other people in New York and then suddenly...nothing. No contact, no visits, no telephone calls...just nothing.
I mean if any of his co-stars from Friends did'nt want to (or have time) to be on the show, how difficult would it have been for Joey to "pretend" to be on the phone to one of them for example? Monica and Chandler had just had twins, Rachel and Ross had a baby, did he not care about their wellbeing at all? Did he decide that a call from LA to New York would cost too much?
Its just not probable.
Also the casting of people who had been in Friends in completely different roles such as Chandlers roomate and Monica's british friend, I find very annoying too.