Late at night when the house is quiet, I can hear white noise. Sometimes it sounds like old radio programs or the TV, but it always comes in when I'm in a relaxed state and everything is quiet. Most of the time its a jumble of noise, but on occasion I hear voices very clearly. I've been experiencing this for many years but didn't know what it was until someone suggested to me that I'm picking up white noise. Just curious if anyone else out there has experienced the same thing.
I must be crazy or a liar to have this experience?!!! Good Grief! Just because YOU have never experienced something like that doesn't mean that it can never happen. I have spoken with many other people with similar experiences to mine. Why must you insult something that you don't understand, or most likely comprehend? Does it make you feel better to make me out to be a crazy person or liar, than to accept the possibility of it being true?
If you don't believe in white noise why are you even on this message board? There are people on the message boards who only come on here to insult others....seems like you are one of them. Maybe you should use your time more constructively.
yea i know what you mean, sometimes your ears pick up very high frequency sounds and it doesn't seem to be related to being near a tv or radio. Happens at random times as well and i've noticed that other ppl don't seem to pick up on it. Can't say i've ever heard voices though lol
My old Hi-Fi used to pick up police radio or somthing (mumbled voices) randomly. Visitors would get spooked. Good job I didin't think it was dead people asking me to rush to crime scenes.
While I will not disagree that you may be experiencing paranormal phenomena(I've experienced some myself), I think you have the definition of white noise wrong. White noise refers to random noise that emanates from certain frequency ranges of an electronical device, whereas EVP can be heard through electronic devices, it is not white noise. White noise is the vehicle through which EVP can sometimes be heard. If you are hearing ghostly voices, then that's one thing, unless you've heard those voices with the aid of an electrical device, which is something different. This is one thing I somewhat fault the movie with - not clearly distinguishing between the two (evp and white noise).
I hope you can make peace with whatever presence(s) are in your residence, and I hope that they can move on.
"This is one thing I somewhat fault the movie with - not clearly distinguishing between the two (evp and white noise)."
Yeah, the film makes it very confusing for people who don't know that EVP and White Noise are two different things.
In response to the OP. I know what you mean. Late at night if it's silent I swear I hear people speaking from far away sometimes. But it's hard to tell wether it's my brother's radio, my ears somehow picking up low fequency signals, or just simply my imagination.
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...stranger. -The Joker
Oh look another person who saw a movie and thought it was directed personally at them. I suppose after seeing The Craft you thought you were a "natural witch" and after watching Tombstone you convinced yourself you were the reincarnated spirit of Wyatt Earp.
I agree with by rthemainman82, you are either crazy, lying or day dreaming. I would like to add, or you an lonely, bored, friendless, fluff who wants everyone to thinks he is oooooh soooo mystical and magical.
And wow man you sure get defensive when someone dosen't tell you what you want to hear don't ya? You had a trite, toddlerish fit just because rthemainman82 didn't believe you were actually hearing ghostly voices and told you so.
Also, just because someone dosent' think YOU are hearing ghots...dosen't mean they don't beleive in the possibility of ghosts and EVP, it just means they don't believe you have anything to do with it. So drop the "you just don't comphrend it!" power play. You are the one with the comphrension issue...people who can grasp that sort of thing don't think every little bump and noise in the night just HAS to be a ghost! Most things are very explainable and most things are in people's heads...especially after watching movies like this. You wouldn't have even thought about it otherwise. Grow up already and stop having temper tantrums.
I've heard something that sounds like static with brief interruptions when I'm sitting around in silence. I don't think it's anything out of the ordinary, it's just what silence sounds like ^_^
and geeze calm down Her_majesty_zoe you don't have to add "or you're a lonely, bored, friendless, fluff who wants everyone to thinks he is oooooh soooo mystical and magical."
Obviously you're the bored lonely one spending time trash talking someone on the boards. If anyone is having a "toddlerish fit" it's you, because you are getting defensive for absolutely no reason. The OP said nothing to you, they merely asked a question, sheesh.
It's not that uncommon. Some people experience an interpretation of complete silence as a white noise that gradually is processed by the brain in a way to compare it to similiar sounds or experiences. Like a Rorschach test. The inner ear can pick up the sound of blood running through your own body, and amplify it or at least amplify the attention you give to it, so as to occupy your mind. Assigning an interpretation to it such as a human voice is a common psychological occurrence.
It is not "magic" or "supernatural". It's actually happening. Radios tend to pick up a small signal and pass it through speakers even when it's turned off on the radio (but still plugged in: eg. when the volume is effectively off and on standby for an alarm). And computers also do it as they inadvertantly can transmit radio signals, which are they broadcast through the speakers.
OP, you didn't hear anything that wasn't actually happening.
I don't know about modern TVs, but the TV my family had in the 80s would pick up my brother's CB radio when the TV was off. So of course he would use it to freak my mom and me out. I also, in the 90s, hung out with some people who would listen to portable phone convos in the neighborhood over the police scanner. I think maybe cell phones can do the same thing with appliances, and now that everyone is basically carrying a transmitter everywhere they go there must be even more noise out there to accidentally come through. People have even been known to pick up radio signals on the fillings in their teeth.
There's also the possibility that you hear ambient noise and your brain tries to make a pattern out of it. I think our brains always try to make sense of things.