OK, so a lot is ambiguous, but all you need to know is this -
1) The three shadows are evil demons who need human sacrifices.
2) They can only reach the living through white noise, and can manipulate people with images and sounds of the future.
3) Theses images, although confused for ghostly spirits, are NEVER "the dead trying to reach the living". BUT, sometimes in visions of the future you can see the dead trying to save the living from the evil spirits. After the evil spirits get you, they pretty much pwn a recording of your tortured soul and will use it for manipulating your loved ones.
Hence, anyone who listens for ghosts on static become prey to the demons, and furthermore put others in danger of human sacrifice by following thier tricks and manipulation. And for micheal keaton, it all begins when the elevator man, (who was also obsessed with the white noise, hence the screens at the creepy place) kidnaps and kills anna as a sacrifice to the three demons. (As he was so about to do to the last victim who the police save.)
Im watching this movie right now, and I got to say that it's somewhat intriguing. I remember watching a SIGHTINGS episode (the old paranormal TV documentary show from the early 90s) which dealt with using a television set to view the images of those who have passed on. And using old-school VCRs and VHS nonetheless! Anyway, I have one prob with the movie - M Keaton's character's wife was missing for weex before being found dead... he didnt seem to shaken up or worried! He went on with his life and job as normal... hmmm.
The ghostly ones are always dull. As cliche as slashers are, they are always more exciting. When is hollywood going to create another legendary "movie monster"? Without ripping off the japs even?
this movie is awful, and yes, it is confusing. i mean, yeah, they tried to explain it in the end but, for all the build up,i think they could have spent more time on the "explanation" part of it. like, i dont know how you get that the demons "need" human sacrifices. where did you get that from? the "bad guy" only said that everything happening was "their idea", he didnt mention them needing sacrifices. yes, it makes sense but, for you to ask why not everyone came to same conclusions as you is kinda strange, not everyone thinks the same way. like, i would have just guessed that some of the white noise messages were created in order to make bad things happen i.e. death, kidnapping, etc. but, wether or not its necessary is completely up in the air. the demons could just be doing it because they're evil and have realized how easy it is to get people to fall for their crap.
this movie was on tv last night and i was falling asleep so i hit record on the vcr and then when i came to watch it this morning it got to where the cops come and shoot that guy in the factory and find michael keatons body splattered on the floor and then the tape stopped! so i have no idea what happens next or how the movie finishes so can someone please fill me in so i dont have to go hire out the movie just to see the last 5 or so minutes?
If you, thus far, have not yet rented the movie and seen the end then I'll tell you what happened:
- The next scene is how they are burying Jonathan. - With Sarah Tate (Deborah Kara Unger) still being alive (on a wheel chair.) - Then Jonathan's kid Mike and ex-wife get into their car when suddenly when the clock hits 2:30 the radio switches on and Jonathan's voice comes on saying "I'm sorry Mike!". - After you get a shot on a scrambled TV with Jonathan and Anna happily together. - That's pretty much it.
It's definitely worth watching again maybe with your g/f or something (of course, if you have not done that already :)
arthur, you're pretty much spot on with your synopsis of the ending, except for one you left out.
The last scene shows Sarah Tate moving away from the funeral in her wheelchair watching the van with the first wife and son drive away. Then she stops at an intersection, a shadow moves behind her in the cemetery, then we hear some sort of scream or growl, Sarah looks suddenly to the side then the screen goes dark.
Then it does cut to the shot of the video screen with a ghostly image like you mentioned, then the credits roll.
Thats what I got from the movie. It actually corresponds with what Bible teaches, which is that the spirits of dead people will never try to contact or communicate with you and that those are most likely Demons in disguise.
Homogenicboy, I think you nailed the FILMIC REALITY of the story world of "White Noise" right on the head, and explained it perfectly, as flawed as the film was. But I hate what HollyWEIRD did with this - they took a concept called Electronic VOICE (NOT video) phenomenon, twisted it and then hollyweirdized it to sell tickets, without keeping complete accuracy of the whole EVP phenomenon intact - I can't lie: the trailer as well as the concept of EVP is what made me want to see the movie, and this was a perfect case where the trailer was better than the end product it advertised. The first act was okay, but Acts 2 & 3 is where it went downhill, in my opinion, and the ending - seems like the writers had a serious case of writers' block, and said, "OK, let's make this go out with a overblown bang!".
I am one who does believe that a spiritual realm exists. While I will say that EVP alone will not put you in jeopardy, messing with Ouija boards WILL. I've had some experiences (not with Ouija Boards, though)that I believe were paranormal in nature, and the thing about those experiences was I wasn't trying to reach out to the spirit - the spirit was trying to reach out to me. My thing is this: If there are to be any paranormal experiences in my life, I'm not going to be the one initiating it. My Sister and Mom both had pretty creepy experiences with Ouija boards, and even creepier they happened 30 years apart. Needless to say, they don't mess with them anymore, and I never have and never will.
"Theses images, although confused for ghostly spirits, are NEVER 'the dead trying to reach the living'... After the evil spirits get you, they pretty much pwn a recording of your tortured soul and will use it for manipulating your loved ones."
Then why were some of them so helpful? For example, in the case of Susie Tomilson (sp?) and Anna thinking her dead fiance was telling her he was happy. What purpose does that serve for the demons?
"After the evil spirits get you, they pretty much pwn a recording of your tortured soul and will use it for manipulating your loved ones."
They must be really smart... "Go John! GO NOW!" What a way to manipulate. I can think of quite a few better things to have her say that would really screw with his head.
Also, I have another question. When he was in the construction place looking for the missing lady, was it the demons making the image of her (again saying "GO JOHN!")? Why would they want him to leave?
You misunderstood the "Go now" part a LOT. In Anna's perspective she meant "Go now" as in leave while you can, get out. In his point of view, he thought Anna was telling him to go find the missing girl, go find the woman in the car, go find everyone who was being shown. The 3 demon things had no control over Anna, as they didn't with the other people being shown on the "other side".
Hey "homogenicboy", that might be your pitiful attempt to explain this excuse for a movie, but you wouldn't get it from watching. AMBIGUOUS ? Hell, this goes way beyond ambiguous - this is plain CRAP. Neither is it scary or suspenseful, just plain CRAP. And all those long drawn-out scenes in darkness where you cant see anything - this director should have his licence revoked, and never again be allowed to inflict his pain on anyone else.
I managed to catch some of this again the other night (I missed much of it due to real world distractions, as I did first time round). Something I didn't notice first time round, but is given a passing mention here by another poster, is that all the recordings and all the notes appear to be of future events. Am I correct? There was of course the most obvious one which I did catch, when we see Sarah Tate on a recording of her later appearing in hospital saying "it hurts". It wasn't until I caught some again the other night, during the sequence at the end when Jonathan is being twisted and broken by the 3 dark 'spirits' and they are shouting things at him like the 'bitch is ours', 'pig', 'bitch', the same things he earlier reads in one of Raymond Price's journals, that I realised they all seem to be of yet to happen events. So am I correct that the basic premise is that those who take part in any EVP activity (viewing, listening) actually trigger the events but they only get glimpses of what is to come, and these are mixed in with actual spirit contact? It all starts with Raymond Price's recording of Anna, which I think he makes before she is actually dead. One day I'll manage to watch it from start to end.
Evidently, YOU didn't get it, DUMBASS! These "demons" don't "need" anybody to do a damn thing, if they did, they sure wouldn't have been able to have wipe the room up with MK's ass towards the end. And they messed him up but good. That was the only warning he was getting from his dead wife, he was next.
They were also lurking in the cemetery, looking like they were ready to jump DKU again, in the wheelchair at the very end because they didn't kill her tossing her off the balconey, which was almost like a warning. And she, might I add, was fine & wasn't bothered by any of this, even though her father was deeply involved, until after she'd seen herself on the screen at MK's insistence she watch in his apartment & became tuned in herself...
Likewise with your "explanation" of "the dead trying to save the living", well the perfect example of why you're wrong there, is the car crash. First the fortune teller told him about "Willow Ave.", then a few days later, the woman involved in the crash on Willow Ave. popped up on the tv static, crying for help. That wasn't MK's dead wife.
The only "scarifice" Anna was, was to a true psychopath, that the demons could play with. It's the old "devil made me do it" with a touch of reality.
If anything, it was these "demons" causing the calamities (like the car accident) and a few people were able to tune into it happpening in the future, seemingly through something tragic that happened to them that made them receptive.
Maybe people didn't "get it" because they read bogus interpretations like yours. Your racial crap's right out to lunch as well...
Whats to get, retarded rubbish aimed directly at the lowest common denominator. This really was a cheap and dull, missing the mark on almost every level.
Worst of all, there isn't actually any EVP in the film. instead it is precognition played through video mostly. A complete waste of the theme really as using actual EVP (at least how those who believe in it claim it works) would have been a great way to tap into a current and modern concept / process.
I mean, I'm not all that sure i believe in most EVP (I ain't crass enough to make a blanket statement) but its still a bit spooky to listen to (the internet is full of examples you can google and listen to) so it would have made a great scary movie for the modern age. All the chill that EVP suggests (whether your a believer or a cynic) was lost by the unmotivated and cowardly script tossing the actual idea aside in favour of another low rent film for the American audience.
simmer down, janebo, we don't want you to crap yourself.
anyway, by saying the "sometimes the dead trying to save the living" the OP simply meant towards the end when Keaton saw the ghostly apparition of his wife say go now. he should have been more accurate, but this is what he meant by "sometimes".
also, the OP was attempting to explain that all the "go now" EVPs Keaton saw were simply the 3 demons manipulating Keaton through white noise "recording" of his wife's apparition. the OP knows, and explained, that keaton wasn't getting communications from his dead wife through EVP. And actually, the part with the car crash, after the EVP showed the face of the driver you hear Keaton's wife say "go now" once again, a manipulation from the 3 demons.
as far as the whole "needing human sacrifices", you're being a little pedantic. obviously that was just the OP's interpretation of WHY the 3 demons were doing what they do... in reality it doesn't need explanation because they're malevolent and that's sufficient enough. you are right, but a simple "that's just your opinion" would have sufficed, spanky.
the OP also didn't say "the demons NEED people to do stuff". Stop being so anal. In your counter analysis you've misinterpreted the OP quite a few times.