The truth about EVP

It's bullcrap just like all other paranormal tall tales. It makes for scary fiction but there is no such thing with any credible documentation.

When you die you're dead and you cease to exist as a conscious person. The only thing left is your body which will rot. Do you really want to think of dead people as being in a spirit world where they tell mediums and VCR's messages to give to living people?

Please learn how to be skeptical and rational.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


Wow and you're as close minded as it gets...


Paranormal activity *has* been documented by institutions such as SRI. Whether the soul/consciousness exists after death is a matter still open to debate.

As for EVP, it's still a highly subjective area of paranormal research given that the recordings themselves have to be interpreted before they make sense. This makes such potential messages open to contamination/bias by the EVP analyst.


You think you're being moderate but you're not. There is no scientific documented, and independently verified proof of either life after death OR EVP.

Spiritualists and 'paranormal researchers' have been debunked repeatedly for several hundred years. Not just once or twice, but every single time when demonstrated for skeptics.

In fact there are several million dollar prizes out there being offered by skeptic societies just waiting for some legitimate spiritualist, psychic, or EVP operator to pick up with nothing more than proof. You know, proof, something that is incredibly easy to provide and verify when something is genuine and something that is impossible to provide when something is BOGUS.

For purposes of this argument EVP is defined as dead people talking through radios, TV's, tape recorders, etc. Not picking up voices with these things, but specifically picking up voices and images of dead humans communicating from the after life.

We are surrounded by electromagnetic information, radio waves, microwaves, images, music, songs, in fact we use every single mgz of available radio space and even if we all turned our transmitters off there is still the Van Allen belt and the earths own radio transmissions. Hearing a stray signal on an electronic device is not proof of ghosts talking, it's called crosstalk. Try letting your cellphone ring next to a stereo system some time for a demonstration. "Ohh no! Ghosts are trying to contact me with this loud clicking buzzing sound that sounds like I'm about to get a phone call! Save me!"

It's like these UFO people, they see a light in the sky that they don't understand the source of, and they jump to the conclusion that it must be aliens. Technically anything in the sky that can't be positively identified on the spot is an unidentified flying object. Only the paranormal wack jobs believe UFO means ALIEN. To the rest of us, just because the source isn't known doesn't lead to the conclusion that it's from outer space.

It's the same with theists. Something happens, they don't understand it, must have been god. Plane falls from the sky for no apparent reason, must have been god. A tsunami hits out of the blue..god again. Spring comes a week early..god.

You people are pathetic.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


Good old 'hard Truth' is in for quite a shock. I'm glad he's a fan of brutal truth...he's gonne get it when he croaks.


NOBODY has documented evidence of the paranormal.

Reality check.


My mind is closed to *beep* People who believe in *beep* often see people as open minded or closed minded because that is their way of seeing the world, you either are open to *beep* or you aren't.

Skeptics see other people as weak minded or strong minded. You either believe outrageous things like god and life after death, and evp in spite of overwhelming scientific findings that they aren't real, or you look at the facts and there is only one conclusion, they aren't real.

I believe the planet Jupiter is a chatty planet because I can tune a radio in to it's frequency and it is a radio source, it can be proven it generates radio waves.

You believe dead people are ghosts and that these ghosts can some how become RF engineers and using nothing more than their ectoplasm they can generate and manipulate radio waves......IN spite of the fact that every scientific investigation has proven these are hoaxes and that paranormal investigators in general are either willful frauds or easily fooled.

When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.


You're not just closed minded, you're also hard headed and stubborn to boot! What a sad, sorry life you must lead. Don't look down on people because they believe in things. Those people should actually look down on you because of the fact that you're basically singling yourself out of most of society.

How alone you must feel. Maybe you need a hug or two. Stop being so anti-establishment and actually for once BELIEVE in something and stop degrading others beliefs or what makes them happy.

It's exciting to think you've picked up someone's voice from beyond the grave. So why take that away from someone you don't even know?
When someone is looking up at the stars and they see an unidentified flying object and feel that rush of adrenaline thinking that it might just be an alien visitor. Why take that away from someone you don't even know?
And attacking people's religious beliefs is the lowest of the low. I don't even want to start on that. We ALL believe in something, even atheists. So who really cares what the theists pin something on if it doesn't hurt anyone?

In the end, Hard Truth, you're the pathetic one in your sad, wasted little corner where you're either already alone or will end up alone from all the negativity you obviously ooze out of your pores.

And that's the REAL hard truth, honey. It's very sad.
Stop raging against the world and the beings inhabiting it and start going with the flow like the rest of humanity or you're going to be in for a rude awakening.


Your argument makes several false assumptions about me. Why do you need to believe I'm a loner who wants people to be miserable? The only thing you got right is that I'm stubborn. Stubborness is my anti *beep* shield, because I'm resistant to ideas without proof, it filters out much of the wrong information people are bombarded with.

I'm happily married, have a large supportive family I see monthly, and the kind of friends that will be there when I'm old to talk about the good old days. I'm a musician and artist and my life is full of light and love. And I'm a skeptic to the core of my being.

I don't care what you privately believe about things like EVP but when somebody says something that is not true, that is not supported by facts, I consider it a civic duty to give a truthful response to undo the harm that *beep* like that can cause.

I understand that it's human nature to WANT to believe in faery tales, thats why religion is successful. Hell even I WANT to believe in things, but I recognize whats going on and I use my better judgement and form my beliefs on FACTS. You are welcome to your beliefs but you are NOT welcome to invent facts and regardless of what you or others believe, the facts don't change.

I personally find the idea of dead people hanging around the world broadcasting half heard moans over the radio waves to be sad and pointless even if it were true, which it most definitely is not. Aren't you happier thinking of your loved ones as having ascended to some better place?

And as for ideas like this not causing damage, you're dead wrong. They give false hope to people and it allows charlatans to prey upon those desires, defrauding them of money and time, and playing their emotions like an instrument to get paid. Every single seance and bonafide psychic that has claimed to talk to the dead has been disproven and shown for the parlor tricks they are when examined and tested by skeptic organizations. Harry Houdini was notoriously against these charlatans and exposed a great many of them for the public benefit.

So I ask you again, what possible comfort can people gain from the idea that their dead loved ones are hanging around the world, in between places, aimlessly wandering with only their sad mutterings coming vaguely through the air waves? That isn't comforting it's awful.

You can feel free to look down upon myself and other skeptics all that you want if it helps you sleep at night. Because regardless of what we think of each other, the facts do not change and the facts always disprove EVP, psychic phenomena, and all claims of communication with those who are dead.

You should seriously re-examine your argument and think about what I have said. You seem harmless enough even though you are kind of attacking me here and in spite of that the thought that someone might take advantage of you for having these beliefs saddens me.
When the truth is too painful the weak will label it a lie.

Hard Truth.



I used to think that EVPs were just people picking up other voices from their group, or radio waves, or similar contamination... until I got my first one. It scared the bejesus out of me, and it honestly changed my whole reality. I understand those who think it's crap, but would love to hear from them when they've actually gotten one. I've tried to debunk the voices I've gotten, to no avail. I've done 300+ paranormal investigations, and have but a handful of really good 'class A' EVPs. Many that I've heard can be explained, but those few intelligent responses have no explanation. People can disagree until they're blue in the face...I get it...I used to too. I'm not saying that it's the afterlife, necessarily, because I don't know what it is, but I know I've gotten voices that were not heard with my ears at the time, only heard on a digital recorder, and they have responded to my questions.

...and nobody beats The Riz!



Well I'm glad you found an appropriate forum to vent your anger. It would be RIDICULOUS if you just started ranting on the comments section of a nice little spook movie very few people have even seen.


Don't be so sure my friend. Don't be so sure.


Just because there isn't proof of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist
And there is a difference between being a skeptic and just being dismissive.

reply's generally a good indicator...that 'argument' is not acceptable in a serious discussion.
If there's no proof, then where did the idea come from? Logically..delusions, mistakes, and outright lies are the only possible answers..

Belief is NOT science.


I could say the same about you for using "LOL" in a rebuttal.

And why would my argument be unacceptable. History has proven my argument. Was Galileo delusional when he discovered how planetary orbits work, granted he didn't realize they were elliptical and circular which was a mistake.

It was only about a century ago that we found out with proof that our universe was much bigger than the galaxy. And it was only a few centuries before that when we just discovered that we discovered that realized the sun wasn't the center of the universe

And to argue logic isn't much either since its limited by our small understanding of the nature. We're always finding out new things that break our understanding our of the world. I believe it was last year scientist discovered the was a vast "ocean" in the Earths mantle.

And don't think for a second I blame every strange occurrence is the work of ghosts or "demons". I try to come up with any other possible reasons for something happening, before I resort to pinning it on something paranormal. And even then I can count on 1 hand those types of occurrences.


A specious argument, as 'proof' was shown in these matters.

'And to argue logic isn't much either since its limited by our small understanding of the nature'....WHAT??...I think you misunderstand the definition of logic.
We find out new things by obtaining do seem to understand that..but ..believing in things without proof is not science, it's BELIEF..which is NOT science. We apply the Scientific Method, which avoids such ridiculous arguments such as 'Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'...I will LOL every time someone repeats that silly old chestnut...
You're confusing hypothesis with belief.
As the paranormal has been investigated for decades, and no proof, no evidence has ever been found (when applying the Scientific Method)then it IS safe to assume there is sufficient 'evidence of absence'


I personally believe in, am I going to say "they exist"? Absolutely not. But I like to believe. For the people saying "they don't exist"...prove it. How can you blindly "factually state" that something doesn't exist without really knowing? It makes you look like a fool. It's the same for people who say "they exist" as if it's a fact.

I like to believe because I find it interesting, but since I really do not know, I'm not going to come up with bs about why they exist or do not exist.

All I have to say is that people thought Freud was crazy, Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and pretty much every person in the world who made a scientific discovery. The people that said "the Earth is definitely not round" looked like fools when it WAS proved to be round.

Often the best mindset is one directly in the middle. The two sides that oppose each other are just as bad as the other.
