Let me start by saying I have never seen this movie, but thought there might be a thread like this here.
So, I have a few great EVPs that I got in my old house. It is a log home in MI. Me and my parents had to build the whole thing from the ground up(with lots of help, of course). It's on a 1 acre lot right on the lakeshore. Me and my mom had a lot of paranormal stuff go on in that house(I have a ton of other experiences, but I'm talkin' EVP here.). The first thing that happened was in my room, the loft. I had a huge TV cabinet that my two cats would jump into from time to time. So I turned over that way and saw one of my cats jump into it and also heard the thump. I couldn't see which cat it was so I said to my mom, who was up there at the time, "Aww, one of the cats jump up in the cabinet!" She then told me that both my cats were on the floor! And she heard the thump too! So since then we also had a ghost cat that I named Felix.
My moms room had small little bits of interesting stuff happen. One time she heard a coin fall down from my loft in the night and roll under her nightstand. Ok, she thought I might have thrown it or something. The next moring she looked for it. It was under her sweater that was on the floor. She said that it shouldn't have gotten so far under there being the way it was laying there! She also felt like there was a cat rubbing on her legs, like all cats do, but there was never a cat there!
Now, when we started talking and getting ready to move things really started to happen! One day my mom and me were talking in the kitchen and BOOM! A lightbulb was smashed all over the floor across the rooom! It was from the lamp over there, but it was in there tight and if it fell from the lamp it would have just landed, this was like it was thrown! SORRY THIS IS LONG, BUT IT'S ALL LEADING UP TO AN INTERESTING CONECTION! So, just a few weeks before we were about to move my mom was in the bathroom at the sink and the door was pulled back and then shut back. Now, being a fan of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures I decided to try my very first EVP sesion!
So, I started where the lightbulb was smashed. I asked if whoever was there to knock on the door. Oh, and I was doing this with my regular ol' video cam from Wal-Mart. Nothing happened. So I went to my moms room where everything was mostly happening. I was asking q's when I heard what sounded like a knock coming from around where I asked for it! I said, "Did you make that noise? If it was you that made that noise, thank you!" And I got an as clear as day, whispered, "You're welcome."!!!!! In a girls voice too! I can't really tell the age.
After I found that out I decided to do one or two more. I finally asked about the cat. I asked her if he or she was/is HER cat. Right after I asked that you can hear this weird squeak, a "Yes", one water dripping like sound, another "Yes", and one last squeak. So cool!
So, those are my EVPs! Sorry it was so long, but it's all related, ya know? Oh, I'm not sure about the girl, but I still see the cat out of the corner of my eye sometimes! If I'm in my house or vaca-ing my my RV!! But, the biggest question I have is this: Our log house was new, we had to build it, and it's on a lot that was on a small road build just a few years ago! How would a girl and her cat get out there? I'm gonna do some big research when I go up there again! Thanks for reading!