A better resolution and message than 'Clockwork'.
Clockwork Orange's message after the end of it's film was that all humans had this naturally "dark and beastily" side to them that can never be contained by scientific intervention. Basically, a person cannot change his or her inner nature and that humans cannot avoid the inevitable fate by having their inner demons removed. It was an entirely pessimistic point of view of how the human psyche is, but with "Control", it's different.
"Control" shows us that humans can change themselves. It's more optimistic and tries to let the viewers see that if a person is willing to, he or she can change their life and become morally good if they apply themselves. Some people may say that it's a load of crap when referring to how Ray Liotta's character and how he so easily "turned good" by his own will, but that's one of the great things about this film. It shows that if human beings have inner demons, why can't we also have a natural side of good within our hearts? It was nice to see that even the most tainted of individuals can change and find their way towards a path of righteousness. This is the message I interpreted from watching this film.