Basilone's Wife

I read in one book about The Pacific that John's family never really accepted her. After his death that they didn't have anything to do with her. Not sure how true any of that was. Me personally, if you were married to my brother and filled his last few months on earth with joy and happiness then why would I not accept you. Just doesn't match up to what they portrayed in the episode before he left for Okinawa.


Maybe the grief was too strong or the lack of family connection as she'd never met them.

In The Pacific she says that John didn't sign the insurance papers.

However I've read that she got the $10,000 and gave it to the family.

~~~~ ClarkF1


Basilones family was an old school Italian family who most likely expected her to move in with them an be a professional widow in mourning forever.

While she never did remarry she was a woman who in the 40's made the effort to actually join the Marine Corps which would have been extremely rare itself and was most likely a woman who moved to the beat of a different drummer than an old line east coast Itallian family in the 40's..

Iran is not a terrorist country!...LittleZeke aka: "LittleBrain" 3/10/15
