MovieChat Forums > Stargate: Atlantis (2004) Discussion > What happened to our Neverending Story

What happened to our Neverending Story

I know it has been quite a while since I've visited, and I bumped the thread, but I can't find it now. In fact in my own profile, all the posts I made to the Neverending story are missing. Anyone know when or where, whatever happened happened? Glad I have a copy, but miss the other poster-s.

...and my brain makes such pretty pictures...


IMDB auto deletes old, inactive after awhile on boards like this. Only incredibly low activity boards are safe from being auto purged. Since people so rarely stop by to provide new content on those types of boards IMDB leaves old posts, so you could go to those boards and still see threads that haven't been updated since 2005 or earlier. That is not the case here.


Thanks for the explanation. Sad, but people move on. Remote hugs to all and Happy Solstice.

...and my brain makes such pretty pictures...


i don't know if you still come here, but i loved that thing. i'm fb friends with a few of those who participated, and I am also a participant, known as princess minna of the doon.
there were so many fun things about those messageboards. anyone know if that one poster is still bbqing up teal'c burgers ....
