The Michael episodes were not groundbreaking, but they were a whole heck of a lot more entertaining than the dozens of "we are stuck in a hole/room/ship/forest etc. for 41 minutes, at which time McKay will technobabble us out of here until next week when we will recycle the same exact 'plot' again!"
All of those episodes should be skipped...but then the series would only have about 30 episodes in total. Minus from that the recycled "space delusion" plot episodes which are also worthless filler... and likewise the often-repeated worthless filler 'plot' of "our consciousnesses are in the wrong bodies" --- that leaves what, 15 real episodes in the whole series? LOL EDIT: Oh darn, I didn't even minus out the Replicator episodes yet, almost all of which are as unwatchable as everything else I've mentioned.
Given all of that crap that absolutely overloads this series, the Michael episodes are pretty much the least skippable ones. Michael wins by default solely because he has little to no competition. LOL!
The real salvation for the series was the Todd arc.
I'll agree that the Todd episodes are some of the best. But they are too few in number to come anywhere close to saving the series from its
massive amounts of unwatchable & endlessly-recycled filler.