Dr McKay

Sorry if that's spelled wrong, but anyway, holy crap do I not like this guy. I'm just watching this show for the first time and I'm currently in season 3. I wanted to like him but he's such an arrogant a$$. Yeah characters generally have flaws, but there's usually something about them that's endearing enough that makes em worth keeping them around. Not this guy though


Yea, I think that was the big mistake with the series. They took the most central character and made him generally unlikable.


I agree. They wanted to do edgy and dark like DS9 vs. Next Gen. The thing is even the shady characters on DS9 (Quark and Garak)where likeable. Hell even the bad guys (Dukat. Kai Winn, Weyoun) were more likeable. It's tough to find a single episode where I don't want to slap Rodney down.

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality!


They very clearly did not want dark.


Except in interview after interview that's what they said. Atlantis was supposed to be darker and bleaker but still with the humor the original was famous for.

No Sitcoms! No Sports! No Reality!


He was THE STAR.


I agree, he was the star for sure, I loved his character. If you pay attention all through the series you'd see that his arrogance is just a front to hide his numerous insecurities and sensitivities that made him the most human character on the show. He was just too smart for his own good and with heightened intelligence can come complications in one's ability to just be happy and calm. By the end of the show Rodney learned to like his fellow team members and was always bailing the whole expedition out of one catastrophe after another.


I love McKay. Just love him, and love the bromance between Sheppard and McKay. He wasn't good with social skills but he was brave and totally loveable under that brash exterior.



Indeed. It's not arrogance if it's true. Rodney's one of the best characters of the Stargate universe.


I've watched a few episode of Atlantis and I just don't like McKay. He's annoying.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


He is annoying. And arrogant and pigheaded. He's also very caring, very brave, and completely selfless when it comes to protecting the people he loves.



I'm further along in the show now. McKay has grown on me.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


He just got worse as the series went along, by the end, it should have between called the dr mccay show.
