What's The Deal With The Woolsey Jokes?
In Season 5. Woolsey takes command of Atlantis.
In One Episode he is the last one in the conference room, and the doors close on him. Then he can't get them to open.
In another episode, he gets up to leave the conference room first, the doors wont open. Then when the next person gets near them, they open.
Another time, Teyla hands Woolsey her baby, to go on the mission to save Ronon from the Wraith, and tells him to go to the Mess Hall. Woolsey then seems to have trouble remembering where that the Mess Hall is. It has no bearing on the episode.
Then there was the very funny time, The "Ascended" Replicator Elizabeth Weir took over Atlantis, and sent Woolsey to the East Pier, by causing a program error in the Transporter, and strands Woolsey there. Hilarious! Then Woolsey has to walk all the way back. While this last one was intentionally meant to be funny, and meant to torture the character... it wasn't Woolsey's fault, but still...
(There may have been more...)
In addition, there was also the time, Woolsey could not remember Chuck's name, and called him Chet.
What was the deal with the writers creating ALL of these scenes... Did they hate Woolsey or something? Was there some grand plan here?