MovieChat Forums > Stargate: Atlantis (2004) Discussion > Killing off Becket was possibly the wors...

Killing off Becket was possibly the worst choice anyone could make!

Killing off the doc in SG1 was bad enough, but he was such a big character.

Does it sound like im ordering a pizza?


Agreed. Beckett was a great, lovable character, great chemistry all around. And i especially was not a fan of kellers character, way too dry and boring. Everytime she came on screen i just felt like fast forwarding. Keller had NO chemistry with anyone, the other actors might as well have been acting with a cardboard cutout. I was also really disappointed by weir's death, which i also thought was a mistake. I never felt carter fit into the show. Her characters main skill sets were already represented by sheppard and mckay (and in a much more entertaining way, imo). I dont know the reasons behind higginson leaving, but it felt like just an opportunity to bring in a "favorite" from sg1. They were finally giving weir more to do on the show than just wishing everyone good luck and sending them on their merry way. But like i said, im not sure why higginson left, so maybe she left bc her character wasnt being developed how she wanted, and she wasnt replaced by tapping...


Was it ever revealed WHY they killed him??


I assumed it was for budget reasons. I don't know when they planned on bringing in Amanda Tapping. I'm guessing once they found out SG-1 wasn't be renewed they wanted Carter to bring in fans of that show not already watching Atlantis.


Yes, he was definitely one of the more likable main characters. I know that they brought the actor back later on, but it wasnt' the same.

Who wants to live forever?


I hated that they killed off Beckett. It did not improve the show at all. Just watched the episode where he dies, entitled "Sunday". It was one of my favorite type of episodes, a slice of life story similar to "Data's Day" on TNG or one of those many "letters home" episodes on MASH. But I think it could've been done without Beckett's death.

The DVD disc includes the writer's commentary. I think it was written by Martin Gero. He said he got a lot of hate mail from fans. I believe it! lol I'm a fan of his writing and his commentaries are always informative and funny. But I wonder why he thought it necessary to kill such a beloved character. Okay, maybe trying to imitate real life, i.e. bad things happen to good people.

But Atlantis without Becket was like All in the Family without Edith or Bonanza without Hoss. Those characters were the heart of the show, imho.


Probably a money decision. Getting rid of Weir and Beckett freed up the money to hire Carter and the girl from Firefly. Unfortunately the writers lacked the ability to introduce a new character to Atlantis. We were supposed to love Keller. I think that writers forgot that they should let the audience decide.

NCIS writers got it when they had Ziva kill her brother as an intro to the character. You still don't like her but are willing to give her a listen.


Totally agree with you. It was not quite the same after that.


I hated that he was killed off. Beckett was one of my favorite characters.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


I have great difficulty with Becket, because of the Wraith DNA thing, which I consider to be a grossly evil act.


It was about the money. They killed off Elizabeth and Dr beckett. They needed the money to hire the girl from firefly.
