MovieChat Forums > Stargate: Atlantis (2004) Discussion > Can I start this after only 3 seasons of...

Can I start this after only 3 seasons of SG-1?

I'm in s3e10 of SG-1. I've been binge watching SG-1. Should I wait until I've reached the season where Atlantis started (6?) or can I start watching it already? I'm too excited to wait for it as SG-1 has been excellent and want to start already! :)


Atlantis' season 1 corresponds with Sg-1's season 8. Sg-1's season 7 makes a plot point out of the search for the city of Atlantis, which culminates in an epic season finale that is ranked among the best of Sg-1's episodes. There are then some crossovers, most are minor to moderate. Although you will be seeing Sg-1 characters as they are after years of development.

Some people have watched Atlantis first and then went on to Sg-1. It's not the end of the world for them but, personally, I would recommend you wait if you're able as that is ideal to me. You'll just slow down your getting through Sg-1, which you say you're enjoying, and as an example of how they tie together, when you get to Sg-1's season 8 you will see them make two major operations to benefit Atlantis but you will have already known if they succeeded or failed from watching Atlantis' season 1.


Thanks for the in-depth answer, I'll wait since there are crossovers :)
