Top five worst Batman

1:-Nolans Batman
2:-Teen titans go Batman
3:- 1940s Batman
4:-Philippines Batman
5:- literally 90 per bad fanfilms (On youtube )batmans


not sure exactly what your asking here....

again This is just awful trolling by you...

are you asking us to name the worst Batman, Meaning The actor who played him?

are you asking us to name The worst Batman films? If so why would you put the TDK trilogy in the #1 spot, Its 3 seperate films, It should be in your 1,2 and 3 spot....

I know I tell you all the time just to try to be clever when trolling, but now Im asking you just to try and make sense!....Please just create troll threads that we can actually understand what your trying to ask and troll about...

since its impossible to tell what your asking, I'll just answer both ways

My favorite Batman on films are-
#1. Ben Affleck In BvS(even though I think BvS is the worst CBM ever, Affleck was amazing)
#2. Christian Bale in TDK Trilogy(IMO he's the perfect Bruce Wayne, and Just a good Batman)
#3. Val Kilmer in Batman Forever
#4. Michael Keaton In Batman and BR
#5. Cloney In B+R
#6. Ben Affleck In Justice League(IMO the worst Batman we've ever seen on screen, and Affleck Performance was just beyond awful, Its clear BvS literally Broke Affleck and He wanted no part of JL or the DCEU anymore)

My favorite Batman Films-
1. The Dark Knight(Universally recongized as The greatest CBM ever, and will forever haunt people like you)
2. The Dark Knight Rises
3. Batman Begins
4. Batman Returns
5. Batman
6. Batman Forever
7. BvS The Ultimate Cut
8. Batman and Robin
9. Justice League
10. BvS The Theatrical cut

Worth noting BvS was my most anticipated movie of all time....No words can describe how excited I was, even after the awful reviews hit, I was still excited because I'm not hard to please(I enjoy 4 of the Transformers film)....BvS was the worst Theatrical experience of my life, I could not believe what I was watching...I swear leaving the theater felt Like a dream, I just couldnt believe A movie could be that awful or A Blockbuster/Event/once in a lifetime film could Literally be one of the worst films ever made...

I dont even consider JL a film, It has no purpose, No Goal, No direction and no narrative....Its just a collection of scenes edited together by different directors to make something disguised as a film....

bottom line...IMO The DCEU's Batman movies and Performances are by far the your horror, The overwhelming Majority agrees with me...

JL and BvS will ranked near the bottom of The Majorities lists for the next 50 years, whenever websites or magazines does polls, asking the best Batman films.....In 90 to 95% of those lists, TDK Trilogy will be the top 3 and BvS and JL will be near the bottom as the worst


he's the perfect Bruce Wayne, and Just a good Batman)

His “Batman voice” was laughably bad, but otherwise he was fine.


His “Batman voice” was laughably bad, but otherwise he was fine.




Christian Bale is in my opinion the best Batman and here is one of the reasons why I think so: To play a good Batman you need to be able to play 3 roles: A) Bruce Wayne in the public eye who is a rich, billionaire playboy a$$hole who keeps making a fool out of himself and throws a lot of money around, B) Bruce Wayne in Batman mode and C) Batman. Christian Bale nailed all 3 of those roles, Keaton and Kilmer got B and C down but not really A and Clooney just played the same role no matter what. As far as my Batman rankings here it goes:

1) The Dark Knight Rises - that's right I give it a slight bump over TDK because it focuses on Bruce more and has a more emotional impact
2) The Dark Knight - Heath Ledger's Joker is one of the greatest villains ever and the last 25 minutes or so was heart pounding
3) Batman Begins
4) Batman (1989)
5) Batman Returns
6) Batman: The Movie (1966) - Incredibly stupid and ridiculous but it embraced that style and it comes across as hilarious. I will never stop laughing at "Robin, bring me the Shark Repellent Batspray"
7) Batman Forever - Could have been good but it just went too campy and those villains sure got annoying (Tommy Lee Jones is by far the worst thing about this)
8) Batman and Robin - Complete trash, sometimes it's fun to get drunk and just laugh at how stupid this movie is but that doesn't make it any better
9) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - "Martha" is all I have to say
