Bane wasn't in BB. I think you're on the wrong forum...never mind!
Im a real martial artist
I've done karate and kickboxing
I've tried Judo, Karate, Jujutsu, Shaolin, Wing Chun in that order and I'm still an amateur. A jack of trades if you will...
I know how they fought in that fight Is how 2 real guys would fight in their position.
Your use of the word "real" is amusing. I assume that here you mean
real as opposed to
imaginary? If so this is indeed true, but I feel Nolan lost something by making Batman realistic.
Bane and Batman are
supposed to be larger than life, as this is what makes comic book characters so special. Writers must strike a balance between making them too human and too superhuman. If they're too much like us they're unimpressive but if they're too unlike us it makes them difficult to relate to. Batman and Superman personify this difference.
However, Batman is supposed to possess a peak human physique. He's Steve Rogers without the supersoldier serum. Bale bulked up for BB but then shrunk again for TDK and TDKR; combined with the less intimidating batsuit (the BB suit was actually scary!) this meant Batman lost much of the physical presence he had in the first to become someone wearing kevlar with lots of cool gadgets.
Indeed, the message of TDKR was that anyone could be Batman. He was just a symbol. Rubbish!
By the final film Nolan had forgotten the heart of the character. Batman is special precisely because he's unique. Bruce's perseverance, sacrifice, commitment, vigilance, self discipline etc. are meant to inspire others. To do this he needs to be the best, nothing less will suffice. EXTRAordinary, not ordinary! Usain Bolt would know exactly what I mean...
Bruce being out of shape and have a injured leg would try and end it quick as he wouldn't be able to use his speed to move around and bane was a huge guy who uses his strength to win all the time.
Except they're both initiated in the fighting skills of the Ninja! Admittedly, Bruce is rusty, injured and worn out while Bane is in his prime but they're still supposed to be trained killers. There were too many wild swinging haymakers in both their fights and they were both much too slow. Bale has an excuse because he was wearing a batsuit which restricted his movements but Hardy clearly hadn't trained to fight but just bulked up as much as possible, which he needed to do because he was too small to play Bane.
But anyway my point is the final fight was okay but I think it could've been much better.
I think it was an improvement because it was more technical and Bane only swings wildly after his mask is damaged, but it was still over waaaay too soon. Nolan just doesn't care much for fight sequences... (see my other reply in this thread).
The ending of TDKR was significantly weaker than the other films. Batman spends longer listening to Talia's origin story (presumably while still in shock from the knife wound) than he does fighting Bane! Talia spends so long telling it to him that Gordon has time to plant the jammer. Bane spends so long tying up Batman before shooting him. (Indeed, why bother to tie him up?) Catwoman is able to ride the batpod through the firefight outside, up the steps into the doorway, without being obstructed, hindered or apparently even noticed!