Rachel Dawes slapping Bruce Wayne (Double-Standard?)
Unless there's a good reason for it, like a really good reason for it, I don't like it whenever there's a scene in a movie of a woman hitting a man in the face, because it's a double-standard to me. Imagine flipping that scenario, where now the man hits a woman in the face, it's not right is it? Women shouldn't get any special treatment just because they're upset, in my opinion. Bruce had the right reaction, though. He just stared at her for a moment and then got out of the car and walked away. (That's what my brother Joe, told me. "If a girl hits you, just walk away.")
I personally think that Rachel hitting Bruce in the face, twice, makes her come across as insensitive. Because it had years since he saw his parents getting murdered in front of him, and he still hadn't quite gotten over it, yet. And Rachel was basically saying to his face, "We all loved your parents, Bruce." (this was long before the slapping scene) and later on when she did slap him, she basically told him to 'get over it' and I'm watching that scene in the theater back in 2005, and I'm getting pissed off, and basically wanna tell her to her face that if her mother died right in front of her the same way Bruce's parents did, she'd be in the same boat as him.