Ending Where We Began
So apparently this board, like all of them, is going to be taken down 16 days from now.
I hate it to say it, but I kind of get why. This board is actually one of the nicest ones I've seen- others are infested with disgusting illiterate trolls or people bent on fighting a pointless, endless war of name calling between the two main comic book movie producers of the day.
When the forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable and natural, and trolls have infiltrated every level of the boards' infrastructure. And so, the boards shall be purged of their evils, unfortunately removing the ability for the decent people to share their questions and interest, and even love for what is my all-time favourite comic book movie, and the one I first joined to post on 9 years ago.
Just wanted to say thanks to all positive contributors on this and other boards I visited and give a final farewell. Actually, I should say thank you... but I'll never have to.
Oh, what the heck. Let's make it interesting and see how many people we can get to post their favourite lines from this movie on this thread within the 16 day countdown, and go out with a bang.
EDIT: Almost forgot the centerpiece: