Why does the Treadstone Agent fight Bourne?
Bourne goes to Berlin to interrogate Jorda (I think), the last Treadstone agent (he's the guy who offed Conklin in the first Bourne film?). Jorda doesn't know anything, but he has called in an alert via his alarm system. He says he thought Bourne had come to kill him. So, why does he now attack him and initiate a deadly encounter with Bourne? Why not stay calm and ask a couple more questions - his backup was on the way anyway?
I had a similar question from the first Bourne film - a Treadstone guy attacks Bourne (and Maria) at his Paris apartment - Bourne beats the tar out of him, but the guy gets up and jumps out a window to his death - why?
That's 2 Treadstone agents who died in combat with Bourne - and I don't see why, other than it made for 2 great fight sequences!
:-) canuckteach (--: