I can see the points you're making but I still feel like there is something else to be said about Flor's motives.
You mentioned that Deborah is cold to her own daughter because she doesn't fit into her mold. Well that's pretty much what Flor's issue was too, even getting emotionally distraught when thinking of the possibility that Christina doesn't want to be like her.
Also, to say that Flor pulled Christina out of a good school because she didn't want her to end up like Deborah doesn't make any sense. Flor knows that Deborah isn't a self centered, materialistic bitch just because she's rich. The rest of the family is wealthy also but they aren't like that. Flor would know first hand, being in love with John, that you can be wealthy and stay grounded and keep your morals. Also, Flor herself said that Bernie's good heart could not be changed by the school. Why does that not hold true for Christina whose mother is a much better role model than Bernie's mother? You can also keep your roots while attending a good school for that matter as well. So really pulling her daughter out of the school just robbed her of a good future.
Also, just because you are smart does not guarantee that you will automatically find a great school and be accepted. There are others just as smart and limited scholarships available. The fact that Christina was able to get one in the first place is a huge stroke of luck and shouldn't have been tossed away for the sake of maintaining a tradition of doing manual labor. Just my opinion.