I don't want to imply that working as a prostitute is mostly, or even sometimes enjoyable for the worker. But it seems to me that male prostitutes would tolerate it better than female one.
Of course rape is a persistent work hazard for both sexes. But in those instances when a male prostitute is paid to penetrate someone, it's not much of the "work" for a sex hardwired to penetrate anything that moves.
On the other hand when being penetrated, it may result into greater "wear & tear" to the worker. Since, the anal area is not "designed" by the natural selection to be penetrated. So I am a bit on the edge on this one. Still being a bisexual man, and knowing how horny men are, I am more reluctant to consider male prostitutes as victims than female one. And also the extent to which they are victims.
Your ignorance is cringe-worthy. Sorry, I'm trying to reply in a civil manner here, but this kind of mentality pisses me off. People have this notion that men enjoy sex more than women.
it's not much of the "work" for a sex hardwired to penetrate anything that moves.
Maybe if women weren't raised by society to suppress their sexual appetite while men are encouraged to indulge or excused for indulging because it's only "natural" for them, we'd see that both genders possess the instinctual need to multiply at the same extent as each other. It's only natural for women to exhibit active sexual urges; it does not mean she's a nymphomaniac or a "slut."
After all, women are the gender that get pregnant. In order to get pregnant, they need to ACCEPT the sex. And usually she has to WANT it first if she's going to accept it (if rape was the norm in the caveman ages, it's not the norm anymore).
Women don't admit to their sexual desires because people will look down on them. Their reputation is at stake. ALL HUMAN BEINGS are hard-wired to multiply. One is not more hard-wired than the other. Women are raised to feel guilty and disgusted about sex. *beep* gender roles.
Finally, I can imagine it must be difficult for a male prostitute to stay erect if he's not in the mood for it. Maybe YOU are OK with penetrating anything that movies, but a lot of men would be disgusted at the thought of having sex with someone that grosses them out. I think that most male prostitutes probably engage in sodomy or perform blow jobs. I'm sure penetration is in the mix, but I'm sure that most clients would prefer to be the one penetrating (the top). BTW, you say that sodomy is not natural. Some people think that it is natural because the man's "g-spot" is in their ass. Maybe you should try working that g-spot. You're missing out.
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Evolutionarily speaking, a woman who get penetrated by an unfit man, is more likely to produce an unfit baby. Whereas a man can penetrate women indiscriminately fit or unfit, since he's not the one getting stuck with those babies.
So a man is inherently opportunistic when it comes to sex, whereas a woman is inherently discriminating. And culture only tends to reflect these tendencies, not generate them. And saying otherwise is akin of blaming western culture for not encouraging men breastfeed babies. Culture stems from biology, not vice verse.
Now, speaking about gay sex, Viagra probably makes the job staying erect on demand much easier. And I am not saying gay sex is not natural, since it happens all the time in nature. It's just that there is no evolutionary pressure for male penis and male (or female) anus to conform to each other, like there was strong evolutionary pressure for male penis and female vagina to conform to each other.
Since men with too big or too small penises in relationship to most vaginas did not tend to leave many offspring. And so vagina who was too small to accept most penises or too big to keep one in place, did not had much success either. On the other hand the fact that most male penises are too big for most anuses (and hence cause pain without lubrication), did not result in any fewer babies. In fact when it comes to female anus, there might had been evolutionary pressure for the female anus to be too small for male penis (and vice versa) in order to prevent misplacing the sperm. Since men hardwired for plugging the holes would have had challenge penetrating anus if their partner experienced pain.
I disagree with your view on men being these sex machines. Men are discriminatory too, unless they are desperate or they couldn't get screwed by a good looking person. Then they'd lower their standards a long time ago and would probably be OK with screwing some homeless drug addict woman with no teeth, AIDS, and a vagina filled with warts. Men as a whole have evolved. The world is populated already. I think both sexes are discriminatory to an extent. (some, if not most).
Frequently, women LET the unfit male screw her.
I disagree that culture stems from biology. Maybe to an extent. Most of that crap is influenced by religion also. Most of western society is still influenced by religion.
[Off topic] Funny that it doesn't matter how "unfit" they are, animals still try to screw. (e.g. small female dog with huge dog or female dog humping something even though she doesn't have a penis).
So what if there is no evolutionary pressure for anything other than male penis and female vagina? I don't think the whole point of our bodies is to reproduce. Animals of the same-sex have sex all the time (read about bonobos if you haven't) so I don't think having offspring is the only reason to have sex. These apes have sex or engage in sexual activities just to eliminate conflict. They're all bisexual. I think sex has other purposes.
I don't think anal sex is natural either, but it doesn't have to be. Nature is full of mistakes and accidents. Sometimes there is no reason for some things to happen, yet they happen anyway.
Well I was stating in statistical terms. Most men may not want to have intercourse if proposed by an old, obese woman with poor hygiene. However most (if not virtually all) women may not agree on the spot to have intercourse even if proposed by a male supermodel.
In fact they had a study when a cute girl on campus offered guys to have intercourse, and the vast majority agreed. Whereas when a cute guy asked to have sex to girls on campus, not a single one took up on his offer. And I doubt that after the sexual liberation, women refused (at least primarily) because of some social standards, rather than their own, ingrained standards.
I do agree that religion may influence a lot of our mores, but as they saying goes: "man created god in his image", that is the vengeful, sexist, homophobic and characterize by all the other attribute of the typical ancient patriarch.
Regarding animals they may deploy different strategies, for example females cats allow to be screwed by a bunch of toms, and then they release their eggs, so the fittest sperm gets the prize.
Bonobos stereotypically make make much more love than war and chimps vice versa. Humans are equally related to both chimps and bonobos. So they can be a mixed bag. Still it's hard to deny the typical emotions humans experience in the interactions with the opposed sex. Free-love communes have been tried and failed. And situations when one husband has multiple wives are much more common then vice verse. So, while random stuff does happen, the evolutionary logic remains strong & sound amidst all the noise.
However most (if not virtually all) women may not agree on the spot to have intercourse even if proposed by a male supermodel.
That's because they'd feel guilty for doing it. There's that social stigma. I'd do it and I'm a girl, and pretty decent looking. *beep* all that small chat that leads up to the sex. Why waste time? The two people involved already know what it will lead up to anyway. The only reason why women wouldn't do that is because they are raised to "respect their bodies" and not "give it up" easily, because if you give it up easily, you're a whore. I am willing to bet that if women were raised like men and encouraged for having a lot of sex with different people, they'd agree on the spot to have intercourse with a supermodel. I can tell you that if my dad knew my sexual past, he'd disown me and think I am a slut.
Those standards are still going on. We are a long ways from 100% women's liberation. Of course most women are going to reject that offer. You have any idea how often I hear women calling each other sluts? Hell, I've been called a slut for having a lot of sexual partners in the past, even though I never cheated! If I'm single, he's cute, and we practice safe sex, when why not? But I really don't care because I don't let that social stigma rule my actions. I have reached that point in my life where I am comfortable with my sexuality. If women have those "ingrained standards" that keep them from having sex with someone on the spot, it's because they are not comfortable with their sexuality. Sex is treated like some dirty thing, the "forbidden fruit." When I was a teenager, I tried to also not give myself up easily. When I failed, I'd end up feeling dirty so I'd be crying over the guilt. This is because of how I was raised, but I'm comfortable with my sexuality now. There's no shame in it. I like sex, and I'm not ashamed of it.
It's healthy for a woman to have a strong sexual appetite, and it does not make her a nympho or a slut. Ke$ha says she knows men all over the world that tend to her sexual needs when she travels. All the comments on that article were calling her a dirty slut (most were women!) I think they are just jealous that she doesn't let society's social standards rule her decisions. They are jealous because they are oppressed and she is comfortable with her sexuality. She acts on her desires with no moral qualms.
By the way, I'm sorry I was harsh in my first response to you. I am dealing with a break up, so I'm easily ticked off.
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Again the guilt is biologically ingrained. For example, why would anybody feel guilty if they had sex with their mother or sister ? If two adults consent to have sex with each other so what if they are related ? Yet incest is taboo, because inbreeding is so dangerous. And using birth control during incest, makes little difference in ameliorating the guilt.
So with issue of "sluttiness". the fact that you are single now, yet had sex some months ago, may make you feel guilty to start a relationship again. Why? Because in nature women can get impregnated months prior, and when someone else comes in they may start spending resources on a baby that doesn't share their DNA. So biologically speaking, the woman cheats that man by burdening him with a baby that it's not his own. Hence the guilty feelings, and the condemnations from other. And since they didn't exist in our evolutionary past, birth controls are irrelevant when it comes to the arising emotions.
There is an evolutionary truism that is's worth remembering: "Sperm is cheap, Eggs are expensive". That is a man can father, at least theoretically, thousands of babies. While a woman is restricted to having a baby or two once a year, plus subsequent care. Based on this, there is an inherently unequal dynamics between men and women.
Of course, because it's natural doesn't mean it's desirable. It's just we have to know what instincts drives us, to better understand the source of our happiness and unhappiness. And perhaps confronting the sources of our guilt, may break at least partially their spell over us.
I strongly disagree that the guilt is ingrained, but we can argue back and forth on that and never get anywhere.
I tend to get into a new relationship like 2 weeks after a breakup, and I do not feel guilty. That may be one of my flaws, but it works when trying to get over someone. And I hardly ever wait to have sex until I am in a relationship either.
That's why I don't get guilty about my sexual desires, because I know it's just my body wanting to have a baby. It's biology. I even have a stronger libido than many of my past boyfriends. I tire them out.
While a woman is restricted to having a baby or two once a year, plus subsequent care. Based on this, there is an inherently unequal dynamics between men and women
Yet women get really horny during certain times while they are pregnant. So even if they already got the job done (reproduced) the desire is still there. Of course, the simple reason is wacky hormones. Most women do not have two babies a year. I think the dynamics are equal between men and women when women are not producing yet(or producing at a slow rate). I'm talking about women that do not have a baby or two every year. Maybe for those women the dynamics are unequal.
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I tend to get into a new relationship like 2 weeks after a breakup, and I do not feel guilty. That may be one of my flaws
See, by classifying your inability to feel guilty as a "flaw", you may betray a subconscious guilt about it.
Yet women get really horny during certain times while they are pregnant
Well it makes a lot of evolutionary sense to be horny while pregnant. Basically, if you're pregnant you can have sex without consequences of having a baby while perhaps scoring some extra resources from men you have sex with.
Most women do not have two babies a year. I think the dynamics are equal between men and women when women are not producing yet
It's about the potential. Had we not have modern birth controls and access to abortion, most women may have had a baby every year or two.
Men's desire to have sex is not diminished by the knowledge it won't result into babies, as his desire for fat & sweet food is not diminished by knowing he won't have to face hunger.
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It's a flaw not in the way you think. I should learn to be happy with myself when single.
Look, I still think that men and women equally want sex. Some men more than women, some women more than men. It is not abnormal for a woman to want sex as much as a man. I think some women don't because many men suck at pleasing women! Seriously, most of my exes did not know where the damn clitoris is.
Do not tell me that I have a subconscious guilt about it. I said it might be a flaw because I think that BOTH men and women should not jump into another relationship after breaking up until they are actually over their ex. This makes sense for both genders. This has nothing to do with having sex so fast after a breakup. It's about getting committed again right after as a means to get over an ex. Both men and women do it. I have seen many men hung up on their ex for a long time, even while he has a new girlfriend. So all that crap you said is *beep*
You are also forgetting that women have been discouraged not to be sexually active for CENTURIES. And that is not biological. Culture has always been influenced by religion, and it is patriarchal, so OF COURSE the men are going to have the advantage! Of course they are not going to want the women to have multiple partners. It all comes down to sexism. But you're probably going to say that patriarchy is also biologically ingrained in us.
It is unfair to compare men's inability to breastfeed to women not being wired to have as much sex as men. Men not being able to breastfeed IS A PHYSICAL THING. Women are physically capable of having sex with multiple men, even when pregnant. It is totally unfair to compare those two things. Women being pregnant for 9 months does not dispute the idea that she is wired to have sex at the same extent men are. I pointed out that reproduction is not the only thing that drives sex. Our species are biologically capable of having sex for more than just reproduction. You also miss the point about children suffering from having too little father in their lives. I'm out.
If you read any cross-cultural anthropology you'd know that such guilt is not biologically ingrained.
The main determinant of women's sexual behavior is politics. Yes, politics, by which I mean the patriarchal systems that control women's sexuality by various formal and informal means.
Note that the cultural setting is very different from your own.
Before the advent of the state and patriarchy, "night crawling" (or yobai as it's famously known in Japan) and marriageless relationships were far more prevalent. (Throughout Asia, Africa and Oceania at the very least). Indeed, in the matriarchal society of the Naxi of Yunnan, women still raise their children with their brothers and only couple with their sexual partner (or partners) during the night, when he visits her house.
Girls, let's get back to a couple of other implications of the OP's theme that've been left in the dust or inaccurately commented upon. First, Viagra basically implements the ability to "go with" the horniness one already feels; its job is not to manufacture horniness. Second, I wouldn't be too sure about Nature's downsizing of anuses to discourage their penetration by penises. That act is not generally a huge problem, properly approached, whichever the sex of the receiver. In fact, at least in some males desire and/or practice can make the anus self-lubricating, whatever you may have heard.
"Believe not what you only wish to believe, but that which truth demands"
Nice to see the question not being answered due to some entitlement princess getting carried away with her sex-positive proselytizing (which looked almost more like an excuse to talk about her oh-so wonderful self). Classic IMDb. Suddenly I'm feeling no regret over not being able to post on here as often.
Women now are much more sexual than men.... and they should be. They have no refractory time, have better orgasms...etc, etc... the only thing they have to worry about is getting preggo....
Guys have more performance anxiety where as the woman can give it up whether she's in the mood or not just as a favor but if the man isn't in the mood, more than likely it isn't happening.
So... I can't imagine a male prostitute not enjoying it to some extent or it wouldn't happen, pretty plain and simple unless he is getting penetrated (Shudders).