Movie hit me pretty hard
Had I watched this film a year ago, it probably would've been just horrifying. About a year back off I came out to my folks, so I guess I was feeling pretty good about myself. During this up time I had offhandedly remarked to a friend of mine "You know I don't really remember much from before I was 8" after I was mentioning a few stories from when I was younger. So jokingly he says "I do, you were probably molested" (I know sick joke, neither of us really care for over political correctness). So I chuckle.. then immediately I;m stunned, and fragments of memories come flooding back. So I tun over to my friend and say "Uh I think I was, I'm not kidding you're gonna have to stop talking for a few minutes, I need a breather". This turns my good time into wel pretty much a nightmare, every bit of feeling good about myself pretty much left, from then on just inner turmoil. I have since dealt with that for the most part, accepted it, moved on. Unfortunately there's no running from your past and lately the molester has been trying to contact me via Facebook, and I'm not sure what to do with that just yet, as I've never told him I know.
Some of the striking similarities are the fact that for as long as I could remember I was attracted to older guys. Before or after the incident I couldn't honestly tell you, wish I knew but I accept that. At the same time for a pretty damn long time I was pretty much just an empty person, pretty nerdy and reclusive. I've since developed social skills, I'm 25 now, going to university, got a job, live with 3 other students, overall things are pretty good. Just watching this film I felt a great deal of empathy and sadness all around. It's been a year since I started to remember, glad I watched this now. I think it was good to be able to watch something like this, bring back a flood of emotions and still walk out remembering things are ok now.