MovieChat Forums > Two and a Half Men (2003) Discussion > Finally giving the Ashton episodes a cha...

Finally giving the Ashton episodes a chance

They're not as bad as everyone makes it seem but my biggest gripe is Alan. At least when he lived with Charlie his mooching was a bit toned down, subtle even. In these episodes it is downright annoying to the point where he takes pride in being a freeloader. I liked his character before but good God, I cannot stand him with Ashton.


I completely agree. Alan actually took pride in his freeloading and became unbearable to watch in the last couple seasons.


I agree completely although for me Alan went downhill before Ashton joined. It started right at the end of Charlie's last season where Alan actually wilfully cons money out of his own family, he might have been a moocher but that he would never have done anything bad to his family before that.

I also think though that after Charlie went the show's quality went off a cliff and it had nothing to do with Ashton who I've always liked. First there's the Alan thing which you have mentioned. There's also the women of the show being on so little they may aswell of not been there at all - part of the appeal for me from the start were Evelyn and Berta. Berta was always one of my two favourites along with Charlie. Then there's the simply awful character of Alan's girlfriend who's name escapes me but her only character trait seemed to be that she drank too much just so she would throw up (with the plane ride to London being among the worst scenes I've ever seen, and I'm not just talking this show). Not to mention adding that kid at the end even though he wasn't funny at all.


Lindsey is her name.

The episodes "not in my mouth" about vomiting and the next episode "War against Gingivits" about peeing yourself are the two grossest back-to-back episodes in TV history

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'


That's her. The worst part is she joined when Charlie was still on it and she wasn't anything like how she was when Ashton joined the show. It's as if when Charlie left he took the writers and everyone who decides characters with him and they got all new ones.


I completely agree with you. I even brought this up in a past post that has since been deleted due to the nature of IMDb's forums. Apparently when he lived with Charlie, he tried to make it seem like he was working hard to be able to move out. But when Walden bought the house, it was ok to not try and just be a mooch because it wasn't a family member.


Probably the most repulsive character in behavior of any show since TV fictional TV started in 1947!

Who else is more slime? The gang on Sunny In Philadelphia? Pfft! Psychopathic but endearing in their obliviousness of it.

Alan faking heart attack and telling Walden he wants satellite sports AND movie channels PLUS porn.

Just die a slow painful death so he can reflect. Take him to the brink, revive him, let him recover then do it a second time letting him die this time.

Nobody deserves it more. Even compared to Chris Griffin on Family Guy!


Season 11 is my favorite season of the show -- especially the Jeff Strongman arc.

I could even tolerate Barry during this season.
