What was the best episode?

I vote for the episode where Charlie's girlfriend was just like his mother.

What is your pick?


Best episode with Walden is "Lotta Delis in Little Armenia" I think.


Definitely Walntus and Demerol (s4e11). Episode about Christmas.

But here are my best episodes from the show:
-"Camel Filters and Pheromones" s1e12 (Megan Fox's episode)
-"An Old Flame with a New Wick" s1e18
-"Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab" s2e23
-"Golly Moses, She's a Muffin" s3e19
-"Repeated Blows to His Unfomed Head" s4e7
-"Walntus and Demerol" s4e11
-"Tucked, Taped and Gorgeous" s4e21
-"Our Leather Gear Is in the Guest Room" s5e7
-"Kinda Like Nechrophillia" s5e10
-"Pie Hole, Herb" s6e2
-"The Mooch at the Boo" s6e9
-"A Pudding-Filled Cactus" s8e3
-"Sips, Sonnets and Sodomy" s916
-"Paint It, Pierce It or Plug It" s10e15
-"Lan mao shi zai wuding shang" s11e19 (Mila Kunis's episode)
-"A Beer-Battered Rip-Off" s12e12


favorite episode for alan is his extreme depression episode & charlie episode is when he's under the Spell of the the witch or when rose drugs him


I liked the Christmas Episode from season 3. Alan gets a new girlfriend who's a traditional homemaker type and she's crazy and sex obsessed. Plus him and Charlie get really fat
