MovieChat Forums > National Treasure (2004) Discussion > Anyone else refuse to see this based on ...

Anyone else refuse to see this based on how ridiculous the premise is?

I mean come on. A treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence? Really?



Anyone else refuse to see this based on how ridiculous the premise is?

Might as well skip most movies then. By the way, they did actually use "invisible ink" back then to keep secrets from spies who might have intercepted written communications.


If not the Declaration then where?

A document of that importance would ensure the map's survival...

Is very bad to steal Jobu's rum. Is very bad.


It's a movie. That's kind of why I enjoyed it.


I saw it and my eyes hurt afterwards. It was clearly a propaganda film trying to compete with davinci code. Americans were taking vacations outside the us to tour davinci locations, and not spending their underpaid salary here in the us. Totall propaganda. And when Nic Cage is the star??? It becomes a complete joke to those who haven't been brainwashed. I love America, but it's nowhere even close to being what you think it is.


Except the Da Vinci Code was released (the book, it was 2003. This movie came out in 2004 and would have long been in production before knowing anything about the book.


Come on FyJ, you're tinkling on the lady's deranged conspiracy theory!!


You are obviously working for the Freemasons or the Illuminati.


Yeah, this is the only good movie with a "ridiculous premise".

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Hope you had a chance to see it. You would be surprised.
