MovieChat Forums > Cold Case (2003) Discussion > Most underrated episodes

Most underrated episodes

What are, in your opinion, the most underrated episodes, the ones you like very much, but-reading this board or other forums-other people don't seem to appreciate so much?

FOr me

A) The River (3*23)
What prevents this episodes from having a better rating, in my opinion, is that it deals with a "normal" story, a wealthy doctor who suddenly screws up and dissipates his family's inheritance in poker. I think that when it deals with mentally ill people (ex. Wishing) or kids (Offender or Perfect Day for ex) it's easier for an episode to get a better rating (and I really really liked these episodes too..)

FOr me, The River has a lot of great things which I expect from Coldcase

1) A two-dimensional victim, the apparently " perfect man" who suddenly goes postal but in the end does a redeeming action for his family

2) The doer. Don't know why Cy Tisdale is usually not mentioned above the "most sympathetic doers"..while all around the episode he's presented as a bad character with a bad influence on Grant, in the end he turns out to be a good friend,accepting to do something that wasn't going to give him any advantage..
And while after the first scene we could have dismissed him as the killer (cause in Coldcase, when a characters threatens the victim, he almost never turns out to be the killer) at the end he's really the killer

3) the crime scene, the clever twist of the life insurance money and the dialogue between the two men about the utility of death for someone..

4) The wonderful characters of Mrs Li..the scene in her store was very compelling, the doctor's trying to steal from her and she's still so grateful to him for saving her husband that she's ready to help him..

5) The other characters, everybody had a good motive for killing Grant..

Ok I could say there's not a real "villain" in this episode, but this doesn't bother me

B) Bad Night (3*3)

Other episode with a "normal" victim, a student who causes an accident with bad consequences and everybody blaming him for this..

What I really liked in this episode is that:

1)There are so many people with so many reasons for killing Angus (Vicky's father, Vicky's brother, Craig..) but in the end the killer turns out to be the one I expected to be the least..

2) Every interrogation seems to give additional elements to the investigation: when they think it's the father we learn that the brother ha d stolen the knife, then the brother tells that Craig was soying on Vicky, then Craig tells Vicky's legs were still hurting after the accident, which gives the key for finding the killer..I like this "consequentiality"

3) jeffries' s subplot, you can feel his anger for what happened to his wife..when he's talking with the father, it's the father who learns him he must be capable to forgive, while usually it's the cops who play the "teacher" part..

And you, what are your underrated episodes?


It Takes a Village

I don't see that one come up much in discussions. Some might write it off as just one of the "ghetto" episodes, but it's one of the grimmest and most chilling of the whole series. And it's also one of the few where the villain is not only a genuine psychopath, but still a threat at large.

And so Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I REFUSE your pardon!



As for me, an other is "The House" great great episode, wonderful portrait of the times, unpredictable plot. Who the hell could think Hank wasn't dead and was actually Bobby's husband (sorry for spoilers)?
The only clues during the episode were
1) lyle wearing gloves during the interwiew: but after we see the flashback when the warden puts the fork into Hank's hands, who could think about the gloves?

2) Lyle not being bothered, and more, ENCOURAGING Bobby to talk about Hank..

And I'm glad they let them go, it was a REAL self.-defense killing, unlike the one in Justice..


I wonder if some people see It Takes a Village as just another Mindhunter/The Woods. I don't really think that's true and like It Takes a Village but I wonder if that's the case.


It's probably my most favorite and most chilling episode!


Yes, The Village is definitely underrated.


I didn't mind Jackals, but I didn't think the flashbacks were as good as in some episodes, which I think is why I don't like it as much. Although the scene where her boyfriend walked away from her was really powerful!

I always quite liked The Red and the Blue, but never really see it mentioned. Not sure why I like it, it just appeals to me!


It can be hard to determine which episodes are underrated because so many episodes are praised. However, my choice would probably be It's Raining Men (which I've discussed a lot here lately). It seems to be in the shadow of other gay themed episodes like Forever Blue (an episode I do love) and has been criticized for it's depiction of the gay community, a complaint I'll address at the end.

However, the episode has:

1. A cast of mostly multi-faceted characters including the victim.

2. Several heartwarming moments like Jeff and Artie in the hospital room, Artie and Russ' wedding, and Artie seeing Jeff through the confetti at his wedding.

3. Several humorous moments including Artie and Russ in the interrogation room (detailed here and Lily's reaction to Jeff's poster about Carlo "Ten a night?"

4. One of my favorte lines on the show (both funny and profound)
One of the detectives (about Carlo): How does a guy like that make it while so many others don't?
Artie: If this was God's way of punishing people, he had a badly researched list.

This episode has been criticized for being a stereotypical depiction of homosexuals. I'm not gay myself but I don't think it's that bad.

It deals with the AIDS virus: It was something that actually happened within the gay community.

It portrays gays as promiscuous: Some of them are and this episode just portrays the ones that do (and it also shows Artie who isn't). It might have been a bigger deal if this was the only episode this show had that dealt with homosexuality but it had other episodes that featured non-promiscuous homosexuals.

It portrays gays as effeminate: Again, some are and I don't think most of the gay characters in this episode were even that effeminate. The only one who really was was Carlo and even he wasn't as bad as many I've seen in other media. Plus, it wasn't portrayed as a cheap joke like it often is. Again, Cold Case has had other episodes which have non-effeminate homosexuals.


You make a good point, even though I never liked Bad Night. The idea was good. I just didn't connect to the characters as well as some of the others.
To answer the question, I really thought the following episodes were underrated

1. Family: A likeable victim, multiple possible doers, scandal from people who are supposed to have integrity, and a good story. The poor girl just wanted a family.

2. The Badlands: This one tears me up. Likeable victims, multiple possibilities for doers, characters with integrity in a bad neighborhood. I thought the cast was well chosen.

3. Jackals- I know it was in season 6, which is viewed as disappointing, but this one was strong in my opinion. Sara was well cast, and the bikers were very believable. There were many suspects because the whole gang was ruthless. I liked the angle that there was an undercover cop in there as well. Such a sad episode. I hate the murder scene though. I don't know how he could walk away.

There are others, but these stood out to me


Thanks for your anwser, even though i'm not a fan of the three episodes you've mentioned

1) Family: what prevents me from loving it, basically,is that i don't like high-school stories, I found the victim a little bit stereotyped (the high school boy that everybody likes) and i was confused by the technique of the" multi-screen" (how do you call that?)

2) Badlands: basically, the murder motive seemed a little flimsy to me: apart from della "stealing" Derek's custody to Tre, i fond they pushed too hard on the "drug " thing..what do you think about?

3) Jackals i dind't hate but i didn 't like so much either..


I think that is the thing about this show. It appeals to people differently. Different episodes touch people in different ways. I several of the High School episodes. I noticed that in later seasons (especially 5) they did more episodes with younger victims, and I like many of those episodes. However, in most high school based story (in movies, shows, ect) are stereotypical. I think that is just Hollywood. and I didn't like the split screen either, but I love the story told. Very sad

In the Badlands, I do like the motive. Drugs can alter you mind and make you do things you normally wouldn't. I do think other characters had a stronger motive, like the abusive boyfriend. What I liked here was the character development. Della, her husband, and Tre had integrity in a place where it was hard to do the right thing. The whole episode feels very emotional to me. That's why I picked it.

I liked Jackals because it was different than some of the other premises. Here was a girl who obviously got in over her head, and she didn't know how to get back out. It was sad really, but it happens in real life. Some people have a crisis, and they turn their backs on integrity, but then they have to dig their way out of the mess they created. I don't know why completely, but the episode just always stuck with me.


Ok i understand, but for exemple in Spiders Tamyra can easily be compared to Sarah (she escapes from a difficult family situation to end in a wors..) didn't you like Spiders?


I liked Spiders alot too, but I didn't consider it an under rated episode so I didn't mention it here. There is a board called copycat episodes where I think there is a discussion about the similarities in Spiders and Jackals. Both girls left home and found out that the place they were going wasn't any better. Both girls liked "bad boys". They both had fathers that let them down, and in the end, their killers were men that were supposed to be part of their new "family". In ways they both betrayed their new families. Tamyra went to go snitch on them for the murder that Spider and the other girl commited, and Sara tried to take the drug money and run away. Although in the end, Tamyra I think wanted to escape her abusive father and horrible life. Sarah, on the other hand wanted to get back at her father. Also. i thought the killer was more predictable in Jackals. Spiders surprised me in the end.


An other episode , i think, is "Red Glare"'s not among my favorites but I like it, but the reason why I say it's underrated it's because i heard so many people not being satisfied with this episode, while I think it has almost all an average Coldcase fan can appreciate: a compelling victim, an important historical reference (Mc cartyism and the rosenbergs)and "social" issues (racism, a theme developed in highly rated episodes such as "Strange Fruit" or "wednesday's women"), a credible murder (killing for love and the fear of being exposed) could anyone just tell me why this episode is usaully not appreciated?

Ad for Bad Night, i've just seen it again and noticed one thing i hadn't relaized: in the murder scene we can find an explanation for Ian's behaviuor in the hospital, by relating it to his "plan" to marry Vicky: very kind to his future father and brother-in-law, kind to Angus (he knew the accident wasn't totally his fault and didn't see him as a "danger"anymore), harsh to Craig (he saw him as the real competitor for Vicky's heart..


Roller Girl

I love this episode. Holland Roden was great as the victim, she had a very likeable quality that made you really feel for her. I also loved Lily roller skating at the end and seeing the ghost. So sweet.


I liked It's Raining Men.I saw it again recently after watching The Normal Heart. I wondered if it was loosely based on the same people.

The Key is another one. I know some have said it's their least favorite.That one had such a narrow time frame when that was at it's peak.

One Small Step-usually this one is compared and not a the best light to The Sleepover.But that age with both kids as outsiders always gets to me.

One Night is another one I think is generally over looked.

Blood on The Tracks

I'm not sure but I think Wings and Libertyville are favorites.Two episodes I like as well.I thought I would add them just in case.



I've never seen Chinatown (or most of the episodes from the last few seasons) but I was intrigued when I heard about it. I'll have to watch it if I have the opportunity. Family 8108 sounded interesting too but the main complaint I've heard about is the witnesses looking too young in modern times.



Wunderkind it's a good episode it has two half brothers in it and one of them is killed and stuff.



I'd like to add Libertyville

1) Good characters. Apart from Julien, his wife vas a very sympathetic woman and seemed to be intelligent they could've depicted her as the average rich girl with everything for her, but they didn't go that way. Regina was also a good character, very brave to go to his brother's with all the white people looking down on her..

2) the confrontation between julien and harry which nded up in a good way

3) The killer with a strong motive to blame Julien



I liked It's Raining Men.I saw it again recently after watching The Normal Heart. I wondered if it was loosely based on the same people.

The Normal Heart is based on a play from 1985. I think "It's Raining Men" was influenced by it.


I completely agree about the River, that is one of my favorite episodes and I think it has a lot of depth and emotion and deserves more attention. Also, it takes a village and lovers lane, i thought these were both extremely haunting, well done creepy episodes that don't normally get brought up much.


Let's see...
1) The Good Death- I found it incredibly relatable. Was it a tear jerker? Eh not really. But Lilly's monologue about loving someone who's dying was an iconic moment in the series, at least to me.
2) Wilkommen- LOVED the theatrical element and the fact that it had actual Broadway stars as guests. It wasn't moving at all but it was entertaining and well executed.
3) 8:03- Yeah, this was one of those completely unrealistic ones but I always appreciate when they tackle the effect of drugs on kids. And the composed music for the episode (the actual song 8:03) was beautiful.
4) Two Weddings- I don't know why people don't like this episode lol it's one of my absolute favorites. I love it because it fully involves all the detectives- plus, you get to (sort of) see them outside of work.


i agree!!

