A holiday Masterba..piece

This movie answers that age old question I know we all had as kids. If aliens attacked Santa who would win. We now have the definitive answer!

I won't spoil the movie for you however.

I will mention that the 'hostage footage' of Mr. Jon McBride at the beginning of this movie is the foreshadowing of how the viewer feels as they watch the movie. Do not watch this movie in a room with no easy to access exits. Do not assign this movie as punishment as it would be cruel and unusual. Do not stare directly at movie. If movie starts to growl, keep a safe distance from movie and call in professionals. Movie might be a carrier of feeder rabies syndrome.

And, if you ever want to cosplay as Santa or the feeders and re-enact scenes from this movie, I bet Mark Polonia would LOVE for this to happen on his front lawn. Call ahead though so he's ready!
