The cemetery at the end? (SPOILERS)
With all the gun play that went on there, how come no cops show up. Also, how could the cemetery even be open when they do the exchange?
shareWith all the gun play that went on there, how come no cops show up. Also, how could the cemetery even be open when they do the exchange?
Why would a cemetery be closed at night? shouldnt mourning people be able to go to their loved ones graves when ever they want? never heard of a closed and locked cemetary before...then again, I dont live in America.
~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
Yeah, sorry, clickbait, but in the USA cemeteries and churches lock up when not in use. Most cemeteries close an hour before sundown and have high walls or fences.
shareDue to a huge amount of vandalism that goes on in the dark of night, most cemeteries close at dusk. Besides they are not lit up at night. Smashed tombstones & graffiti are frequent diversions for groups of people with nothing to do or as pranks.