I knew they wouldn't have the guts to show the real ending from the book
First of all, what is the point of changing a characters name from a book. I'll never understand that. His name was Kenan, not Kenny. Well anyway, when KENAN stays behind to finish off the sick wacko, he doesn't get killed. Instead, he takes the psycho, straps him down and cuts off his ears, eyes, tounge (as much as he could), hands, feet and penis. He then leaves him laying there alive while Scudder swings back and picks him up. Hollywood these days doesn't have the balls to show something like that which is sad. Overall, it was a good film though. The book was better, but they did a decent job adapting it on film. It did upset me that they left out a major character though. An ex call girl named Elaine who Scudder is in a relationship with. She played a big part in helping out Scudder in his investigation. It was a good film nonetheless. I'm glad they left in the two finger scene with Lucia.