box office

did this film really only make $72,000 world wide, it is so good it should be making waaay more than that or is the korean film market really that small. i mean by profits this film couldn't have done well, yet it is fantastic in parts.


"did this film really only make $72,000 world wide" - maxconran

No, that's how much it made in America.

As of April 2005, worldwide box office stood at $1,239,833. aleoftwosisters.htm

Hardly anywhere near what it deserves, however, this figure doesn't include the DVD/BluRay sales which is how the majority of "Westerners" will have seen it (me included).


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Hollywood is jealous of South Korean films and dramas. They are so superior to anything Hollywood puts out today it's not even funny. So I wouldn't believe any numbers posted in America. They keep most Asian films out of our theaters. Look at Hyun Bin's The Fatal Encounter - it only appeared in a handful of US theaters, and the film was evocative and gorgeous and did well in Korea. Then I heard that it was even DUBBED for the few US theaters that showed it because they consider most Americans are too stupid and lazy to read subtitles. (And in a big way, they're right).


Movies are often dubbed in US because the audience is indeed unwilling to watch subbed films. many screen testings with variuos foreign films had left audiences complaining about no dubbing and english speaking market is big enough for dubbing to be worth paying for. As far as superiority and inferiority goes, i think one has to account for vast difference in culture between US and Eastern Asia. Whenever hollywood has tried to understand this difference, they failed.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
