Trump lies... Again
Trump lies. Most recently he said that he gave $102 million in the past five years. Actually, be didn't give anything. In fact, a big chunk of the charitable money that was donated (by other people) ended up finding it's way into the hands of rich celebrities like Serena Williams.
Just like his University was a scam, so is his charity. A billionaire who claims he cares about the nation, but hasn't done anything to help it except give away some free rounds of golf to raffle winners (that is actually a form of advertising!) really can't be all that committed.
The Apprentice may have entertained you. The star, the Donald, may still entertain you. He certainly gets a lot of media attention. But, so does Kim Kardashian! Headlines do not make a good president. Being a billionaire real estate salesman also does not make one qualified for President. Yes, we have trillions in debt. We had a surplus with Bill Clinton. But Bush came along and made war the primary concern and our military spending went through the roof. It didn't help us and it didn't make us safer and it didn't stimulate our economy. Fear and anger do not supply the economy with more money. You can't blame poor people for our bad economy and you can't make poor people "pay" to make it better because you can't get blood from a stone. There is only so much money and it is clear where it is all being kept. Don't let the representatives of the greedy one percent mislead you into voting against your own economic interests.
Vote democratic.
Let Trump's legacy live with his stupid tv series, The Apprentice and let America look to the future, not the past, to build our economy stronger. We need to grow the middle class, not support the 1% like the Donald.